video endoscopy for ENT


Catalog excerpts

video endoscopy for ENT - 1

<JCAYPENTAX PENTAX World Leaders In Speech, Voice, Leading-edge video Flexible video endoscopes and The PENTAX Medical VNL product range offers a complete solution for advanced endoscopy needs. The excellent image quality and i-scan technology will support both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Flexible video endoscopy will enable functional stroboscopy as well as FEES examinations in a patient- friendly manner. Our broad range of high-quality ENT scopes includes fibreoptic scopes, high-resolution videoscopes and a video transnasal esophagoscope.

Open the catalog to page 1
video endoscopy for ENT - 2

State-of-the-art high resolution image technology supporting diagnosis and therapy. 0D[LPXP ÀH[LELOLW\ :LWK WKH ZLGH SURGXFW UDQJH RI ÀH[LEOH YLGHR HQGRVFRSHV anatomic regions and physiological function can be observed far more effectively than with rigid endoscopes. Full assessments of the nasal, oropharyngeal, laryngeal and even esophageal structures are possible. All video endoscopes require a video processor and have a bifurcated light cable for optional use with a KayPENTAX stroboscopy system. 1R FRPSURPLVH LQ LPDJH TXDOLW\ /DWHVW KLJK GH¿QLWLRQ DQG KLJK UHVROXWLRQ FKLS WHFKQRORJ\...

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