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Catalog excerpts

MIS-2500_1610-21499-0001-E-1112 - 1

MIS-2500 series (Preliminary)Integrated Pressure Sensor ■ Applications □ Industry control ■ Features □ Factory calibrated and temperature compensated □ ±1.3%FS accuracy (20 to 60°C) □ 3 V or 5 V rail to rail ratiometric analog output □ Gauge pressure or vacuum type □ Pressure range: 1, 5.8, 15, 30, 150 psi & -1000mbar The MIS-2500 is a intelligent pressure sensor which consist of a MEMS piezoresistive pressure sensor and a CMOS sensor interface IC. The interface IC enables easy and precise calibration of resistive bridge sensors via EEPROM. It correct digitally offset - gain and both temperature coefficients. All devices were factory calibrated and temperature compensated. Using MIS-2500 series is easy to get rid of bothersome calibrations and temperature compensations. The MIS-2500 can provide 3 V or 5 V rail-to-rail ratiometric analog output. Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwid

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MIS-2500_1610-21499-0001-E-1112 - 2

P : pressure value Voff : Offset voltage, the output voltage of sensor without pressure applying Vout : The output voltage of sensor when pressure applied Prange : Pressure range of sensor Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwide

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MIS-2500_1610-21499-0001-E-1112 - 3

Pressure range (%Span) Fig.1 Output voltage vs. Pressure range Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwide

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■ Application Circuit Examples Vsupply Output Ground ■ Recommended Footprint Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwide

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Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwide

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MIS-2500_1610-21499-0001-E-1112 - 6

Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwide

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MIS-2500_1610-21499-0001-E-1112 - 7

Headquarter Switzerland: Pewatron AG Thurgauerstrasse 66 CH-8050 Zurich Phone +41 44 877 35 00 info@pewatron.com Office Germany: Pewatron Deutschland GmbH EdisonstraEe 16 D-85716 UnterschleiEheim Phone +49 89 374 288 87-0 info.de@pewatron.com PEWATRON 5ENS0R5 • POWER SOLUTIONS We are here for you. Addresses and Contacts. Sales Germany & Austria Postcode 00000 - 31999 Postcode 38000 - 39999 Postcode 80000 - 99999 Austria Kurt Stritzelberger Phone + 49 89 260 52 80 Mobile + 49 171 803 41 35 kurt.stritzelberger@pewatron.com Geometrical sensors Sensor elements Thorsten Ravagni Phone +49 60 479...

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