Catalog excerpts

MIS-3600 series (Preliminary)Intelligent Pressure Sensor ■ Features □ Supply Voltage 2.0 to 3.6V □ 0.5, 1, 5.8, 15, 30 psi differential pressure range □ Low standby current: <0.1 pA □ Factory calibrated and temperature compensated □ SPI and I2C digital signal output The MIS-3600 is an intelligent pressure sensor which consist of a MEMS piezoresistive pressure sensor and a signal conditioning ASIC. The signal conditioning ASIC is a 16-bits AD convertor with embedded 512 bits ■ Applications □ Airflow meter □ Ventilation and air flow monitors □ Sleep apnea monitoring and therapy equipment □ Pneumatic controls □ HVAC OTP memory. The sensor was calibrated and temperature compensated in factory. The factors for temperature compensation were stored in OTP memory. Users can implement temperature compensation via an external micro processor. The external microprocessor read the raw output data from MIS-3600 and do simple calculation according to the factors stored in OTP memory. Therefore using MIS-3600 series is easy to get rid of bothersome calibrations and temperature compensations. MIS-3600 provide SPI or I2C digital serial output interface to communicate with microprocessors. MIS-3600 series is specially designed for low voltage and low power consumption concerned applications. Temp Sensor Digital Filter Bridge Driver iVPP Fig. 1 Functional Block Diagram of MIS-3600 Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwide
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Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwide
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Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwide
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Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwide
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Competitive sensor & power supply solutions worldwide
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Headquarter Switzerland: Pewatron AG Thurgauerstrasse 66 CH-8050 Zurich Phone +41 44 877 35 00 info@pewatron.com Office Germany: Pewatron Deutschland GmbH EdisonstraEe 16 D-85716 UnterschleiEheim Phone +49 89 374 288 87-0 info.de@pewatron.com PEWATRON 5ENS0R5 • POWER SOLUTIONS We are here for you. Addresses and Contacts. Sales Germany & Austria Postcode 00000 - 31999 Postcode 38000 - 39999 Postcode 80000 - 99999 Austria Kurt Stritzelberger Phone + 49 89 260 52 80 Mobile + 49 171 803 41 35 kurt.stritzelberger@pewatron.com Geometrical sensors Sensor elements Thorsten Ravagni Phone +49 60 479...
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PEI-S103-1- 0.6 Inclinometer
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