Catalog excerpts

Phonak pediatric solutions Because a child is not a small adult
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A child is not a small adult. It sounds obvious, but in reality it’s a profound insight – one that guides practically everything we do when we develop solutions for children. For example, you wouldn’t give a newborn baby a steak to eat. Just like you wouldn’t give a toddler adult medicine, or ask a 13-year-old to drive you to work. Whatever a child’s age, we treat them appropriately. This is especially important for children with hearing loss. From their initial testing and diagnosis through to hearing aid selection, verification, counseling and support, their needs are very different from...
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Our new pediatric portfolio includes the Phonak Sky Q hearing aid family and our expanded range of wireless accessories. Because products alone are not enough, we have refreshed our fitting software’s Junior mode, with special emphasis on verification. Plus we have enriched the support resources for you, children and their parents. In short, we have everything you need to treat a child like a child.
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Phonak Sky Q Phonak Sky Q is our new dedicated family of pediatric hearing aids. Choose from four different models, including a size 13 Receiver-In-Canal (RIC) version, across three performance levels (Premium 90, Advanced 70, Standard 50). There is a Phonak Sky Q model to fit every child. All Phonak Sky Q models are resistant to water, sweat and dust (IP67), making them the perfect companions for active explorers. Effective tamperproofing ensures tiny fingers cannot access any batteries, and our new engaging range of Mix & Match colors ensures children will have technology they’ll love to...
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SlimTube HE Hook / mini hook Phonak Sky Q-M13 Sky Q-RIC Phonak Sky Q-M13 3 uperpower plus Xreceiver (xSP plus) Phonak Sky Q-SP Q SuperPower Phonak Audéo Phonak Sky Q-SP Xreceiver 100 Hook / mini hook Hook / mini hook 110 Hook / mini hook 500 8k Power SlimTube Hook /mini hook Hook /mini hook • ompact micro-sized BTE, C • itting range: mild to profound F • itting range: moderate to profound F size 13 battery hearing loss hearing loss • itting range: mild to severe F • IP67 water and dust resistant * • water and dust resistant * IP67 hearing loss • ully tamperproof (battery door, F • ully...
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Hook / mini Hook / mini hook hook110 hook Hook / mini Hook / mini Hook / mini hook hook hook Hook / mini Phonak SkyPhonak SkyPhonak Sky Q-RIC Q-RIC Q-RIC Phonak Sky Q-RIC Phonak SkyPhonak Sky Q-RIC Q-RIC Phonak SkyPhonak Sky Q-RIC Q-RIC Phonak Sky Q-RIC Phonak Sky Q-RIC With Power Xreceiver (xS) With Standard Standard Xreceiver (xP) Superpower plus XreceiverSuperpower plus Xreceiver (xSP plus) With Superpower(xSP plus) With With plus Xreceiver (xSP plus) With Power Xreceiver (xS) With Power Xreceiver (xS)Standard Xreceiver (xP) Xreceiver (xP) With With With Standard xReceiver (xS) With...
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Hearing in color When it comes to bringing a smile to a child’s face, there’s nothing quite like color. A host of studies proves that kids of all ages are excited and delighted by bright, intense tones. In fact, children seem to prefer these happy hues early on, since a baby’s eyesight is better able to recognize bright colors than dimmer, more understated tones.1 It’s with that knowledge in mind that we designed our new family of Phonak Sky Q hearing aids. Phonak Sky Q housings are available in no less than 17 colors. These include many new joyful housing and ear hook colors, ranging from...
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Mix & Match Kids can Mix & Match these housing colors with different colored hooks and Roger receivers – taking ownership of their technology by designing electrifying multitone hearing aids they’ll love to wear. Mix & Match color tool This fun new interactive resource, available online, enables Phonak Sky Q users to select their own mix of color for their hearing aids and explore the benefits these products will bring. www.phonakpro.com/mix-match 11
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Phonak Sky Q-RIC color options Hair & Skin Amber Beige Sand Beige Silver Gray Pure Transparent Royal Purple Transparent Blue Lagoon Transparent Precious Pink Electric Green Vanity Pink Dragon Orange Caribbean Pirate
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Teen hearing aids Phonak Sky Q-M13 Phonak Sky Q-SP Phonak Sky Q-M13 SlimTube HE SlimTube HE 90 SlimTube HE 100 110 Hook i 100 hook For style-conscious teenagers who prefer a more discreet/ solution, the Phonak Audéo Q is the perfect choice. It packs hook 110 Hook / miniHook / mini hook Hook / miniHook / mini hook mini hook hook 110 110 110 big performance into a 250 500 package – 4k 8k small 1k 2k bringing young adults with mild 500 125 1k 250 2k 500 4khearing loss the sound quality to profound 1k 8k 2k 4k 8k 125 125 250 4k 8k 250 500 125 1k 250 2k 500 4k 1k 8k 2k that only Phonak Quest...
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Phonak Wireless Communication Portfolio A child’s life is one of action. If they’re not in school then they’re outdoors, playing games, enjoying multimedia, in the car, or chatting with friends on the phone. Many of these situations can pose a listening challenge – where sometimes, even the most advanced hearing aid technology needs a boost. That’s where our comprehensive Phonak Wireless Communication Portfolio comes in.
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Wireless Communication Portfolio
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Roger wireless microphones Introducing Roger Roger technology is a core element of our pediatric solutions. This new digital standard surpasses all of today’s existing analog and digital FM solutions, offering a staggering breakthrough in signal-to-noise ratio while also being easier to use. It is compatible with virtually every hearing aid and cochlear implant, which means kids only need to switch it on to enjoy all its benefits. Roger Clip-On Mic The Roger Clip-on Mic is an easy-to-use wireless microphone for one-to-one communication in loud noise and over distance. This compact...
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Roger design-integrated receivers These discreet Roger receivers are designed with the same appealing aesthetics and smooth lines as Phonak hearing aids. They are WaterResistant when combined with Phonak Sky Q, plus tamperproof options are available. In addition they are available for the Naida CI by Advanced Bionics. Color options Signature colors Q2 Electric Green Q3 Caribbean Pirate Q4 Dragon Orange P9 Ruby Q1 Petrol T3 Precious Pink 13 Pure Transparent 01 Beige
Open the catalog to page 17All Phonak catalogs and technical brochures
Phonak Power Pack
1 Pages
Phonak Mini Charger Case
1 Pages
Phonak Charger Case Combi
1 Pages
Phonak Audéo M-312
2 Pages
Phonak Audéo M
2 Pages
Phonak AudéoTM B
6 Pages
Phonak AudéoTM Marvel
8 Pages
Audéo MINI
2 Pages
2 Pages
Naída Q
9 Pages
Archived catalogs
Phonak Sky V
3 Pages
Phonak Sky V
8 Pages
brochure phonak CROS II
9 Pages
MicroLink™ Freedom
2 Pages
Nios S H2O
2 Pages
Naída S III
2 Pages
Naída S V
2 Pages
Naída S IX
2 Pages
6 Pages
6 Pages
Phonak Audéo V
7 Pages
Phonak Dalia
2 Pages
Pamphlet Phonak Virto Q
9 Pages
Pamphlet Phonak Bolero Q
9 Pages
Phonak Audéo Q
9 Pages
Sky Q - for Children
24 Pages
Consumer Flyer Audéo S V
2 Pages
Consumer Flyer Audéo S IX
2 Pages
Product Information Audéo S
6 Pages
Brochure Audéo S
24 Pages
Consumer Flyer M H2O
2 Pages
Consumer Flyer Phonak nano
2 Pages
Consumer Flyer Phonak Ambra
2 Pages
Brochure Phonak Ambra
32 Pages
Datasheet Lyric2
2 Pages
Product Information Lyric2
2 Pages
Datasheet Phonak Bolero Q-SP
2 Pages
Datasheet Phonak Bolero Q-P
2 Pages
Phonak Bolero Q
6 Pages