Power Twist Periotomes Brochure
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Power Twist Periotomes Brochure - 1

POWER CROWN REMOVERS REVOLUTIONARY CROWN REMOVAL TECHNOLOGY Our power crown remover can be used on all 32 teeth: Both buccal and lingual!!! *Implant *Zirconia *Regular *Temporary *Bridges Drill a 2mm hole in the top of the crown, making sure the hole is deep enough to touch the tooth Instructions: 1) It is necessary to first drill a two millimeter (2mm) hole through the top of the crown with enough depth to allow the tip of the Power Crown Remover to make contact with the tooth. Drill a hole on the side of the crown (if you do not have a workable margin) until the talon reaches the tooth. SAME AS ABOVE. 3) Make certain that while removing crowns from the anterior teeth that the Power Crown Remover is used on the buccal side only U.S. & INTERNATIONAL PATENTS PENDING 5) Place the tip of the Power Crown Remover in the 2mm hole, and the "talon” at the margin. Wow!!! Removes crowns within seconds!!! No more patient discomfort!!! Is this true? How is it possible? --No more sectioning!!! --No more worrying over root damage!!! --Save time and money!!! 2) If there is not a working margin on the side of the crown it is necessary to drill a purchasing point for the talon to grasp the crown. If there is enough margin then no extra drilling is necessary. 6) Squeeze and remove the crown. Place the tip of the remover into the top of crown hole you drilled. Place the talon under the side of the margin or into the purchasing point engage and squeeze. POWER CROWN REMOVERS Dental & Surgical Instruments Manufacturer 5005 McCullom Lake Rd. McHenry, IL 60050 Office: 815-363-8003 Toll Free : 866-439-3400 info@mydentalusa.com

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