Catalog excerpts

RO SYSTEMSMATERIAL DATA SHEET Mg-ATP Solution Cat. # B-20 Pre-mixed Mg-ATP Solution is a convenient energy source for purified or semi-purified conjugation/degradation reactions. Magnesium-ATP Solution is unbuffered but adjusted to pH 7 to increase stability. Product Information Quantity: 100 pl Use & Storage Typical final concentration for Mg-ATP Solution ranges from 500 pM to 10 mM Use: depending on specific requirements. Dilute the stock solution to the desired final concentration in reaction buffer of choice. Storage* Store at -80°C. Thaw rapidly and store on ice. Aliquot into smaller sizes to avoid multiple freeze/thaw cycles. For Laboratory Research Use Only, Not For Use in Humans 840 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone: 617-576-2210 www.rndsvstems.com
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