Catalog excerpts

Radcal Nested CT Head and Body Phantom CT Performance with Convenience 20CT20 The 20CT20 Head and Body CT Phantom is a nested, high quality CTDI phantom consisting of two PMMA precision-milled cylinders. The head phantom is 160mm in diameter and when nested within the Body phantom represents the body of 320mm in diameter. Overall dimensions are 320mm x 320mm x 150mm with a total weight of 14.5 kg. The 20CT20 includes nine (9) Dose Phantom inserts. The Head cylinder contains five (5) probe holes, one in the center and four around the perimeter, 90 degrees apart and 1cm from the edge. The Body contains 4 probe holes at 90 degrees apart and 1cm from the edge. The 20CT20 is designed to meet the 21 CFR 1020.33 specifications and is in accordance with IEC Standards. Specifically designed for pediatric and adult computed tomography dose index (CTDI). Other tests could include CTDI100 (center & peripheral), CTDIw, CTDIvol and CTDI free air. The 20CT20 nested head and body phantom is supplied with a rugged, waterproof, hard shelled case with wheels and a telescopic handle. The Legacy Radcal 10X5-3CT and present 10X6-3CT pencil ion chambers are an ideal complement to the 20CT20 CT phantom. THE GOLD STANDARD IN RADIATION MEASUREMENT 426 West Duarte Road Monrovia, CA 91016 USA T: (626) 357-7921 F: (626) 357-8863 www.radcal.com
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