Catalog excerpts

IMMEDIATELY IMPROVES MOST BREAST TREATMENTS • Reshapes the ipsilateral breast more favorably for radiation treatments • Eliminates inframammary folds • Reduces dose to the lungs, heart and ribs • Both shape and position are accurately repeatable, treatment after treatment • More uniform dose Cross Seccion of Phantom with Unconfined Breast Shapes Data on increased skin dose due to the ipsilateral cup were submitted to the FDA. These data provided a comparison of skin dose increased by the Treatment Brassiere with the increase found for various thermoplastic positioning devices on the market. The skin dose due Typical Brassiere From Library • Simplifies the application of IMRT to breast • Reshapes the contralateral breast to move it away from the beams • Full Brassiere Library of 40 cups in portable "caddy" for convenient, organized fitting of Breasts Reshaped by Treatment Brassiere Cross Section of Phantom with Breasts Reshaped by Treatment Brassiere to the cup material (0.50 mm thick for small cups to about 0.63 mm thick for very large cups) was found to be substantially less than for other positioning devices. The FDA lias issued a 510 |k) Marketing Clearance for
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Cups are divided into four groups corresponding to small thoraxes (chest breadths from 27 to 32 cm), medium thoraxes |32 to 36 cm), large thoraxes (36 to 42 cm I, and extra large thoraxes (over 42 cm). Cup selection hegins by measuring a patient's chest breadth when supine and wearing her clothing brassiere. This indicates the group containing the right cup for her. The cups of the group (five each for left or right) are removed from the Treatment Brassiere Caddy and the cup making the best fit is selected. (Clothing Brassiere sizes cannot be used for cup selection because of poor...
Open the catalog to page 2All Radiology Support Devices catalogs and technical brochures
Lung/chest phantom
2 Pages
Wounded willy and damaged debbie
15 Pages
angiographic head phantoms
2 Pages
8 Pages