Catalog excerpts

NUCLEAR MEDICINE Realistic Test Subjects For Applications Where Patients Cannot Serve Anatomically Correct They test reconstruction techniques, scatter correction methods using different radionuclides under realistic conditions STRIATAL HEAD PHANTOM HEART/THORAX PHANTOM The Heart/Thorax Phantom is ideal for evaluation of detectability, extent and .severity of myocardial infarcts in patients. This Phantom also provides valid assess- ment of mammoscintigraphy techniques. The Striatal Phantom optimizes quantitative imaging in patients, using
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1, Hendel RC, Berman DS, Cullom SJ et al: Multicenter clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of correction for photon attenuation and scatter in SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging. 2. Doshi NK, Basic M and Cherry S: Evaluation of the detectability of breast cancer lesions using a modified anthropomorphic phantom. J. Nucl. Med. 1998, 39: 1951-1957. 3. Stodilka RZ, Kemp BJ, Prato FS et al.: Importance of bone attenuation in brain SPECT quantification. 4. Stodilka RZ, Kemp BJ, Peter Msaki et al: The relative contributions of scatter and attenuation corrections toward improved brain SPECT...
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APPLICATIONS OF ANTHROPOMORPHIC PHANTOMS • Receptor Quantification As A Function • Partial Volume Effects • Scatter And Attenuation-Correction Schemes • Threshold For Changes In Uptake"*' • Comparison Of Different Acquisition Modes, • Design Of Different Reconstruction Strategies • Testing And Validation Of Image Registration Techniques • Design Of Imaging Protocol For Patients Myocardial perfusion SPECT is a widely-used, non-invasive method for the diagnosis and management of patients with coronary disease. However, non-uniform photon attenuation, Compton scatter, limited and...
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PET images of the Heart Phantom filled with O.S mO of F-18 FDG placed in the Thorax Phantom were acquired on a Siemens/CTI ECAT EXACT HR* PET system in 3-D mode (septa out) at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), by courtesy of Magnus Dahlbom. PhD. The emission scan contained 25M counts and were reconstructed using a Hanning filter, resulting in a final Image resolution of approximately 5.5 mm FWHM. The data were corrected for scatter and attenuation prior to reconstruction. BASIC THORAX The thorax is molded of polyurethane, modified for tissue-equivalence, with a mass...
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An accurately anatomic heart model is based on vacuum-formed shells. It was designed using high resolution, contrast-enhanced, ultrafast CT data from a normal patient, slightly modified to facili- The left and right chambers are connected at the atrium region to make a single compartment which can be filled and flushed independently using two ports labeled HC (heart chambers). The right ventricle is slightly modified to allow air to escape during filling. The myocardial wall (MW) has two ports, flushing and independent filling. The volume of the heart chambers is 284 ml, while the volume of...
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THORAX OVERLAY, REMOVABLE BREASTS AND BREAST TUMORS The thoracic phantom without the overlay simulates an average male patient. The overlay, with or without breasts, simulates a large female or a still larger male patient, respectively. It is then possible to evaluate the effect of additional attenuation and scatter on quanti- tative myocardial imaging. The volume of each vacuum-formed breast is 972 ml. A tumor, filled with a radioactive solution can be inserted to evaluate the planar and tomographic imaging techniques used for They are supported by thin, threaded nylon rods which pass...
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STRIATAL PHANTOMS The Head Phantom is based upon a standard RSD Head with a calvarial cut to insert or remove the brain shell easily. The nasal cavity and maxillary sinuses arc filled with foam with Striatal Head Phantom BRAIN SHELL_ The brain shell has five compartments which can be filled separately: left and right nucleus caudate, left and right putamen, and the remainder of the brain. This allows different nucleus caudate to putamen ratios as well as different striatal to background ratios to be obtained; this also permits differences between left and right striatal activity to be...
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PET Images of the Striata! Phantom filled with 0.8 mCi o( FDG were acquired on a SiemensfCTI ECAT EXACT HR PET system In 2-D mode at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) by court«y of David Stout.The emission scan contained 13 million counts and was corrected for attenuation and reconstructed with a Hann filter resuhing in a final Image resolution of approximately 7.6 mm FWHM Quantification of striatal uptake is not straightforward because it depends on a number a) Type of radionuclide used iTc-99m, 1-123 or F-18) b) Imaging factors such as: collimator type, amount of scatter...
Open the catalog to page 8All Radiology Support Devices catalogs and technical brochures
Lung/chest phantom
2 Pages
Wounded willy and damaged debbie
15 Pages
angiographic head phantoms
2 Pages
8 Pages
2 Pages