Catalog excerpts

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The concept of grouping a large number of casualties in two teaching/training phantoms was originated by the Fleet Hospital & Operations Training Center, Camp Pendleton, California. WOUNDED WILLY and DAMAGED DEBBIE were designed and constructed by Radiology Support Devices, Inc. of Long Beach, California. DESIGN PRINCIPLES FOR RADIOGRAPHIC TEACHING/TRAINING PHANTOMS It is a universally-accepted fact of life that people cannot be subjected to diagnostic radiography for other than medically-necessary purposes. Observance of this principle rules out the use of patients for basic training in...
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SOFT TISSUES The size and weight of PIXY are also used for WILLY and DEBBIE. They are small adults. Since technologists must learn to work with patients of all sizes and weights, a smaller phantom is as valid for training as a larger phantom, and positioning is facilitated. Each is 5 ft. 1 in. tall (156 cm) and weighs 105 lbs. (48 kg). WILLY and DEBBIE are articulated at the neck, shoulders, elbows, hips and knees. Fractures of the left shoulder and left hip are located in DEBBIE. To minimize handling problems, all other traumas of the arms and legs are located in WILLY and on the right...
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LEGEND: Traumas and pathologies are listed below. External markings are: N (none), O (open wound), S (swelling), H (bullet or foreign body hole), B (bruise), Side (R.L.), E (WILLY or DEBBIE). DEBBIE Description Side WILLY Metallic fragment in orbit R WILLY Multiple fragments lower face N/A WILLY Step deformity of intraorbital rim L WILLY Separated fracture of frontal zygomatic suture L WILLY Metallic foreign body over skull N/A WILLY Mandible fracture with missing bone N/A DEBBIE Depressed comminuted fracture of zygomatic arch L DEBBIE Mandibular fractures R DEBBIE Cloudy maxillary sinus L...
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LEGEND: Traumas and pathologies are listed below. External markings are: N (none), O (open wound), S (swelling), H (bullet or foreign body hole), B (bruise), Side (R.L.), E (WILLY or DEBBIE). WILLY/ External Number DEBBIE Description Side Marking 11,12 WILLY Displacement fracture of mandibular condyle L&R S
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LEGEND: Traumas and pathologies are listed below. External markings are: N (none), O (open wound), S (swelling), H (bullet or foreign body hole), B (bruise), Side (R.L.), E (WILLY or DEBBIE). Among the "trade-offs" required in these phantoms is that between anatomic fidelity and the ability to move the head into the broad range of views required in radiography. No mechanism can be designed for intervertebral motion without artifacts obliterating This problem has been solved by the use of two necks. One is a multi-articulated polycarbonate assembly which provides for nearly all commonly used...
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LEGEND: Traumas and pathologies are listed below. External markings are: N (none), O (open wound), S (swelling), H (bullet or foreign body hole), B (bruise), Side (R.L.), E (WILLY or DEBBIE). DEBBIE Description WILLY Fracture of lateral ribs 6 & 7 WILLY Mediolateral fracture of ribs 8 & 9 WILLY Multiple rib fractures, four metallic fragments visible WILLY Bullet in hemothorax overlaying 8th rib WILLY Bullet overlying heart shadow WILLY 2 cm metallic fragment in mid chest WILLY Bullet visible below costal margin under 11th rib WILLY Shattered distal scapulae
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LEGEND: Traumas and pathologies are listed below. External markings are: N (none), O (open wound), S (swelling), H (bullet or foreign body hole), B (bruise), Side (R.L.), E (WILLY or DEBBIE). WILLY/ External Number DEBBIE Description Side Marking 27 DEBBIE Widened mediastinum and pleural effusion N/A N 28 DEBBIE Chest tube, lung inflated L Tube
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LEGEND: Traumas and pathologies are listed below. External markings are: N (none), O (open wound), S (swelling), H (bullet or foreign body hole), B (bruise), Side (R.L.), E (WILLY or DEBBIE). Metallic foreign body lateral to PSOAS Metallic fragments - 2 midabdomen, 1 each in Metallic fragments - 2 midabdomen ILIAC crest comminuted fracture with metallic
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LEGEND: Traumas and pathologies are listed below. External markings are: N (none), O (open wound), S (swelling), H (bullet or foreign body hole), B (bruise), Side (R.L.), E (WILLY or DEBBIE). DEBBIE Description DEBBIE Displaced fracture of pubic ramus DEBBIE Sacroiliac disruption, acetabular fracture DEBBIE Foreign body lateral to PSOAS WILLY Non-displaced pubic ramus fracture WILLY Superior and inferior pubic ramus fracture WILLY Pelvis fracture with symphysis diastasis and sacroiliac joint disruption WILLY Bullet in sacrum
Open the catalog to page 10
LEGEND: Traumas and pathologies are listed below. External markings are: N (none), O (open wound), S (swelling), H (bullet or foreign body hole), B (bruise), Side (R.L.), E (WILLY or DEBBIE). yHIP TOINTS AND THIGHS Shattered acetabulum Shattered femoral head Comminuted midshaft fracture Left femur comminuted fracture 12cm above knee Latex "shorts Latex "shorts
Open the catalog to page 11
LEGEND: Traumas and pathologies are listed below. External markings are: N (none), O (open wound), S (swelling), H (bullet or foreign body hole), B (bruise), Side (R.L.), E (WILLY or DEBBIE). KNEES, LOWER LEGS. FEET WILLY/ External Number DEBBIE Description Side Marking 50 DEBBIE Proximal tibia fracture L S 51 WILLY Comminuted fracture of tibia and fibula R S 52 WILLY Displaced ankle fracture R S 53 DEBBIE Minimally displaced distal tibia fracture R S 54 DEBBIE Displaced fracture of calcaneus bone R N
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LEGEND: Traumas and pathologies are listed below. External markings are: N (none), O (open wound), S (swelling), H (bullet or foreign body hole), B (bruise), Side (R.L.), E (WILLY or DEBBIE). WILLY/ External Number DEBBIE Description Side Marking 55 WILLY Displaced fracture of radius and ulna L 56 DEBBIE Volar angulated distal radius and ulna fracture L 57 WILLY Angulated comminuted fracture of midshaft 58 DEBBIE Minimally-displaced distal radius fracture not involving wrist, offset bone ends L WILLY/ External Number DEBBIE Description Side Marking 59 DEBBIE 3rd and 4th metacarpals...
Open the catalog to page 13All Radiology Support Devices catalogs and technical brochures
Lung/chest phantom
2 Pages
angiographic head phantoms
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8 Pages
2 Pages