Catalog excerpts

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ANATOMICAL SHAPING Respecting the Natural Morphology ■ The Self-Adjusting File (SAF) adapts to the ■ ■ root canal’s natural anatomy. Shaping by vertical scrubbing (5000 vibrations per minute), with simultaneous agitated irrigation. Only 4 minutes of shaping, cleaning and agitation. Adapted from Solomonov et al, J Endod 2011; 37:881-7 Minimally-invasive Preservation of Sound Dentin ■ Extremely flexible and compressible lattice-like structure. ■ Does not impose its shape, but adapts to the canal’s ■ ■ natural morphology circumferentially and longitudinally. Retains the long axis of the canal...
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SIMULTANEOUS IRRIGATION Optimal Disinfection: Continuous Refreshment of Agitated NaOCl ■ The SAF is the first and only chemo-mechanical endodontic instrument. ■ 4 mL/min continuous no-pressure irrigation, washing away the “dentin dust” created by the SAF’s scrubbing. ■ Irrigant exchange and sonic agitation throughout the instrumentation process, for superior disinfection of even unreachable areas, such as isthmi and recesses, to prevent debris packing and extrusion. Superior Removal of Debris Superior Disinfection “In the SAF group, most of the specimens were completely free of debris”....
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SUPERIOR SAFETY File Separation is No Longer an Issue! File separation becomes a very rare occasion, and handling of such cases is an easy task - due to the SAF’s lattice structure and vibrational operation. ■ A global clinical survey of SAF tip separation: ■ Tip separation occurred in only 15 / 2517 cases (0.6%). ■ 12 / 15 were easily removed within 3 minutes using Hedström files. Adapted from Solomonov et al, J Conserv Dent 2015;18:200-4 Avoidance of NaOCl Accidents and Post-operative Pain Post-operative pain (medium/severe) 100% ■ The pressureless simultaneous irrigation permits a free...
Open the catalog to page 4All ReDent Nova catalogs and technical brochures
19 Pages
30 Pages
RDT3 Compatibility Guide
2 Pages