Catalog excerpts

R810 Dual Color Multichannel Fiber Photometry System Support 10 kinds of manual marking and automatic marking, and you can customize shortcut keys, names and colors. Different ROI regions can be set and named during behavioral video collection, and various behavioral analyses can be performed later. The results can be exported to CSV, Heat-map, df/f, Z-Score and other formats. Product Introduction The fiber photometry system records changes in the fluorescence intensity of neurons in a specific brain area to characterize changes in neuronal population activity. In the study of neural circuits, the optical fiber recording system can perform long-term stable monitoring of the neurons in the group of freely moving animals, and then explore the correlation between neuronal activity and animal behavior. RWD Life Science Co.,Ltd R810 Dual Color Multichannel Fiber Photometry System has two excitation light sources, 410nm and A d d: 1 9 -20/ F, B uilding 7A , Sh e n z h e n Inte r nat ional Inn ov at ion Valle y, Da shi 1s t Ro a d, Nan shan D is t r ic t , Sh e n z h e n, G uangdong , P. R . China E- m a il : r wd @ r wds tco.com 470nm, of which the unique 410nm can be used as a background signal to ensure effective acquisition of taneous recording of multiple brain regions or multiple animals. RWD R180 Dual Color Multichannel Fiber Photometry System- Flyer-V1.0-20210401-EN real fluorescence data. It can collect data of no less than 7 channels at the same time, suitable
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R810 Dual Color Multichannel Fiber Photometry System • Professional integrated software, fluorescence data and animal behavior video can be collected and analyzed simultaneously. Supports up to 9 channels of simultaneous acquisition, suitable for simultaneous recording of multiple nerve nuclei. • Ultra-high sensitivity scientific research-grade CMOS camera, with higher quantum conversion efficiency, and the acquisition frequency can reach 300fps • Two kinds of excitation light sources (410/470nm), 410nm light source as the reference light source, 470nm light source excites GCaMP,...
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