Catalog excerpts

Desktop Digital Stereotaxic Instruments Digital displacement display, higher accuracy, higher efficiency! Precise displacement sensor, accurate to 10μm Compatible with anesthesia mask or anesthesia adapter for inhalation anesthesia LCD digital display, real-time shows displacement distance, accuracy 10μm One key to reset, no secondary readings and calculations Powered by AA battery, no electronic interference Composition: 68025 and 68026 are complete sets of stereotaxic (see figure), both containing 68861N baseplate, 68401 three-dimensional manipulator - left, 68021 rat adaptor, 68301 rat 18 ° ear bar, 68201 standard holder, 68026 includesanextra 68402 three-dimensional manipulator-right and 68023 digital display module. Order Information: Model Product Description Stereotaxic for Rat, Dual M, Digital, 18 Deg Stereotaxic for Rat, Dual M, Digital, 45 Deg Stereotaxic for Mouse, SGL M, Digital, 68030 Adaptor Incl Stereotaxic for Mouse, Dual M, Digital, 68030 Adaptor Incl Stereotaxic for Mouse, SGL M, Digital, 68055 Adaptor, 60 Deg Stereotaxic for Mouse, Dual M,Digital, 68055 Adaptor, 60 Deg Stereotaxic for Mouse, SGL M, Digital,68077 Adaptor, 60 Deg Stereotaxic Base Plate, Standard With digital base and displacement sensor
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