Catalog excerpts

Making Single-Cell Suspension Preparation Smarter with DSC-400 Tissue Dissociator The era of continuous cell lines is a thing of the past. Primary cells, more representative of the in vivo state of cells, have been recognized by researchers for many years, especially in early toxicity assessment tests for drugs. In the traditional way, too many steps and details need to be noticed to maximize the quality of the primary cell (Fig 1), which is very inefficient. Fig 1. The traditional way of single-cell suspension preparation Now, RWD https://www.rwdstco.com/product-item/single-cell-suspension-dissociator/ comes to free your hands & improve efficiency! With a built-in mechanical shearing program and optimal enzyme digestion kit, the preparation procedure to get single cell suspension will be faster and easier.
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Fig 3. Multiple programs for different researches Unique designed rotor and multiple programs to the maximum extent ensure cell viability and preserve cell surface markers. Improving the reproducibility and reliability of downstream experimental results. A variety of tissues (tumor, heart, brain, spleen, liver, etc.) are applicable and all the cell viability can reach to 85%-95%. Cell viability: Mouse Tumor–Breast cancer (induced by 4T1 cell line).
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Mouse Tumor–Colon cancer (induced by CT26 cell line). Mouse Neonatal Brain Neonatal Mouse Heart
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Mouse Liver Mouse Spleen Sample volume Buffer volume
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Operation method Touch screen *The tissue processing tubes of RWD are not available in the USA market To learn more about downstream instruments: https://www.rwdstco.com/product-item/single-cell-suspension-dissociator/
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