Catalog excerpts

Rotational Digital Stereotaxic Instrument The 69100 series Rotational Digital Stereotaxic can adjust skull level and align sagit- tal suture quickly and accurately, and the time of skull adjustment is greatly shortened without repeated fixation.
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Precise rotation adaptor can adjust skull position in 3 dimensional space, to maximize the adjustment of Assist in finding Bregma and Lambda, to horizontal degree and the midline alignment. ensure that the midline is parallel to the Y axis. Assist in adjusting the Bregma to coincide with The axis of the rotation adaptor is focused on the the rotation axis, no need to set the Bregma crossover point of the Centering Height Gauge, the 40X Center Magnifier assists in adjusting the Bregma to coincide with this point and there is no need to set Bregma repeatedly. The deflection angle difference of...
Open the catalog to page 2All RWD Life Science catalogs and technical brochures
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Archived catalogs
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2015 Product Catalogue
44 Pages