RWD R-CU510 Versatile Animal ICU


Catalog excerpts

RWD R-CU510 Versatile Animal ICU - 1

Easier operation for veterinarian the reference data can be calculated by selecting animal type-age-disease name. WMV Ease-of-use 7-inch touch screen for best simplicity and ease-of-use. Stainless steel interior for preventing bacteria growth; UVC lamp for efficient sterilization and disinfection; Waste collection trough for easy to clean; Built-in Anion function to help recovery and clean the air Stability Stable control of temperature, humidity, O2 concentration and CO2 concentration by electronic controller Built-in multiple protection functions Automatic ventilation starts when the temperature , humidity and CO2 concentration is abnormal; failure alarms Space saving Equipped with infusion holder, double-side stand pole, and nebulizer inlet,to meet diverse medical care conditions.

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RWD R-CU510 Versatile Animal ICU - 2

d urin g d el iver y , r o u t i n e i n fu s i o n / o x y g e n i n fus i on , an i mal atomi z at ion t her ap y, t r e a t me n t o f i n f e c t i o u s di s e as e s , an d othe r an i mal d is eas es. I t p ro v i d e s a n i ma l p a t i e n t s w i th the mos t c omfortable me d- ica l care en vir o n m e n t t o h e l p a n i ma l s r ec ov e r fas te r. It offe rs pre c i s e d igit al con t rol o v e r t h e i n t e r n a l e n v i r o n me n t, allow i n g the us e r to Specifications Item Power supply voltage Humidity control range Temperature control range O2 concentration...

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