Catalog excerpts

SaeboGlove What is the SaeboGlove? This cutting edge device helps clients suffering from neurological and orthopedic injuries incorporate their hand functionally in therapy and at home. The lightweight, low-profile functional design is just one of the many innovative features that are offered with the SaeboGlove. The proprietary tension system extends the fingers and thumb following grasping so clients can incorporate their affected limb functionally. This new found freedom leads to improved motor recovery and functional independence. Features: • piral forearm design that secures the wrist in a functional position. S • ensioners are located at the IP joints (interphalangeal joint) T of the fingers and thumb to assist with extending the digits following grasping. • ndividual Tensioners can be removed to customize I assistance based on the client’s needs. • umerous sized Tensioners included to accommodate N various finger lengths. • ull joint finger motion possible to maximize F functional performance. • ilicone covered finger tips to improve traction S during grasping. •Non-slip liner to minimize migration. •Glove includes Lycra material for expandability. • alm exposed to increase breathability and ease P of donning. •Lightweight and comfortable.
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Archived catalogs
Saebo MAS
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