Catalog excerpts

19 A Years Ago S TParalyzed My Hand. ROKE
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F i n a l l y, A Stroke Rehabilitation Program Developed By People Who Really Understand. John Farrell and Henry Hoffman have a lot in common. For starters, they’re brothers. They also both happen to be licensed occupational therapists. The two created Saebo because they believed stroke survivors never reach a “plateau.” Collectively, they’d worked with hundreds of stroke survivors.Yet, every time they came across a patient who had been told they reached a plateau, they couldn’t help but think that there was something more they could do. From that ongoing frustration, relentless questioning...
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T O D AY, I’m getting a new grip on life. “The SaeboFlex® is just a huge, unbelievable blessing to me! Immediately, after 19 years post stroke, I could squeeze and release with my right hand! … Because of the SaeboFlex I am now able to do things that I couldn’t do before. I am able to put on deodorant, wash in the shower with both hands, hold a hymn book, pick up objects off the floor, eat a banana with my affected side, and open mail. I encourage any and every stroke survivor to The Hope and Help Many Stroke Survivors Seek. take this training.” If you are reading this now, you are a...
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“My name is Price Grunthalt. I am a Golden Retriever, and for the last 16 months I have been quite content with my life. Then a month ago, you and Saebo appeared. … You see, for many years my dad, Paul, has been a dog groomer. That’s meant regular haircuts and bathing. … Then later my dad had something called a stroke. To me it meant no more baths, nail cutting, brushing my teeth and, praise the Lord, no grooming. Free at last. … Then came Saebo. All of a sudden, I find myself back in the grooming tub. Yes, dad’s bad hand was working again …” What Makes The Saebo Arm Training Program So...
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Am I a candidate for the Saebo Arm Training Program? If you have suffered a neurological injury that has left you with limited movement in your arm and hand, then Saebo may be right for you. In fact, this program may offer results even if you have been discharged from therapy because you have reached a plateau or do not have the movement required to qualify for a Constraint-Induced Therapy Program. The time since your injury is not a factor. Patients have shown functional improvement as far out as 20 years after their injury. You should be aware that the Saebo Arm Training Program might not...
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SaeboReachTM & SaeboFlex® The SaeboReach is a dynamic, custom fabricated elbow, wrist, hand, finger orthosis (EWHFO). The SaeboReach consists of a combination of the SaeboFlex and a custom fabricated aboveelbow component. The orthosis features an elbow extension system. The elbow extension system provides resistance to the muscles that are used to bend the arm and assist in straightening the elbow during functional reaching. The SaeboReach was designed specifically for individuals that have limited arm and hand function. “I had two strokes in June, 2004. After the second, I couldn’t walk, I...
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SaeboStretch® & SaeboGlide® This progressive splint was specifically designed for neurological patients to prevent or decrease joint damage while maintaining or improving range of motion in the fingers/hand. Benefits include: • Patented stretch technology with three different resistive hand pieces that can be interchanged to allow the fingers to move through flexion and gradually return to an extended position • Non-slip strapping system helps to prevent the fingers from pulling out of the splint • Cut-outs are strategically located to ensure the straps have intimate contact with the...
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With Saebo There's No Plateau In Sight.® 2725 Water Ridge Parkway
Open the catalog to page 8All Saebo catalogs and technical brochures
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
2 Pages
Sensory Stimulation
1 Pages
Power Couple
2 Pages
1 Pages
SaeboMAS mini
1 Pages
1 Pages
Saebo ReJoyce
2 Pages
Saebo Stretch ®
1 Pages
Evaluation and Treatment Kit
1 Pages
Inpatient Program
1 Pages
MyoTrac Infiniti
2 Pages
Saebo Product Catalog
12 Pages
3 Pages
Archived catalogs
Saebo MAS
1 Pages