Catalog excerpts

The SaeboReJoyce is an upper extremity rehabilitation workstation designed for orthopedic and neurological patients who exhibit impaired function of the arm and hand. The computerized task-oriented training system provides standardized upper limb exercises representing activities of daily living (ADLs). The SaeboReJoyce was designed to be used in the clinic and in home-based settings. Why SaeboReJoyce? P ractice repetitive gross motor and fine motor tasks with fun and motivating activities. I ncorporate various prehension patterns. T rack functional improvements over time with the SaeboReJoyce Arm Hand Function Test. C omplete tasks in sitting, standing and lying positions. I ncorporate all planes of movement. T ask-oriented games are customizable with individualized graded complexity. S ave and print progress reports. T akes 5 minutes to setup, lightweight and easy to install. SaeboReJoyce Manipulandum for Dexterity Training With the SaeboReJoyce Manipulandum, patients can practice computerized task-oriented activities targeting specific limited prehension patterns.
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Intensive Training with Saebo NeuroGaming™ Disguise repetitive task training with fun and motivating games. Saebo’s computerized task oriented training system involves a range of activity-based games that will test speed, endurance, coordination, range of motion, strength, timing and cognitive demand. The games are fully customizable to match the client’s therapy needs. SaeboReJoyce Arm Hand Function Test Complete Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Workstation The SaeboReJoyce includes a standardized objective upper limb test that takes 5-10 minutes to administer. Assessment metrics are...
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1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
2 Pages
Sensory Stimulation
1 Pages
Power Couple
2 Pages
1 Pages
SaeboMAS mini
1 Pages
1 Pages
Saebo Stretch ®
1 Pages
Evaluation and Treatment Kit
1 Pages
Inpatient Program
1 Pages
MyoTrac Infiniti
2 Pages
Saebo Product Catalog
12 Pages
3 Pages
Patient Brochure
8 Pages
Archived catalogs
Saebo MAS
1 Pages