Catalog excerpts

sagemax.com sagema/® Nanocrystalline diamond coating. Long-term milling.
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Nanocrystalline diamond coating. Long term milling. NexxZr® Tool D are high-performance dental milling tools made of premium carbide with an ultra-hard, nanocrystalline diamond coating for an extremely long service life. The special microgeometry of the cutting edges is excellently adjusted to milling zirconium oxide and permits detailed milling results with a high surface quality. The optimized chip space design as well as the improved chip space surfaces ensure the best possible evacuation of the chips, which additionally reduces the chipping risk of zirconium oxide. Material Coating...
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over 1600 ZrO² units* * Internal Sagemax test results Premium carbide milling tool with an ultra-hard, nanocrystalline diamond coating Extremely long service life and high process reliability 500 x SEM cross-section image of the uniform, approx. 5 μm thin diamond coating Conventional milling cutter Irregular occurrence of sharp-edged diamond crystals Special microgeometry of the cutting edges Detailed milling results with a high surface quality CAD representation of the cutting edge microgeometry NexxZr Tool D milling cutter Uniform appearance of sharp-edged diamond crystals Outstanding...
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Delivery forms for imes-icore NexxZr Tool U High-performance dental milling tools made of premium carbide with an ultra-sharp cutting edge Manufacturer Sagemax Bioceramics, Inc. 34210 9th Ave. South, Suite 118 Federal Way, WA 98003, USA E: info@sagemax.com sagemax.com NexxZr + Multi A multilayer zirconium oxide with natural esthetic NexxZr T A zirconium oxide with medium translucency and high flexural strength for a variety of indications and processing options NexxZr T Coloring Liquids Water-based infiltration liquids for the individual coloring of NexxZr T zirconia © 2022 Sagemax...
Open the catalog to page 4All Sagemax catalogs and technical brochures
NexxZr Shine Product Flyer
4 Pages
NexxZr T – Product Flyer
4 Pages