ICP-OES & ICP-MS sample introduction
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ICP-OES & ICP-MS sample introduction - 1

ICP-OES & ICP-MS SAMPLE INTRODUCTION SCP SCIENCE is a manufacturer and supplier of all forms of sample introduction equipment and supplies. Intended as replacements for your OEM components, SCP SCIENCE products are guaranteed to meet, or exceed the OEM specifications. Many new and innovative products are also available which enhance signal, lower background noise and improve detection limits. ICP-OES / ICP-MS products include a variety of nebulizers for different applications, replacement torches, spray chambers, peristaltic pump tubing, ICP-MS cones and a complete range of ICP-OES / ICP-MS Calibration Standards. 72 ICP-OES / ICP-MS Torches & Spray Chambers 73 Agilent® (HP®) ICP-MS 74 Agilent® (Varian) ICP-OES 78 Horiba® (Jobin Yvon®) 80 Teledyne Leeman Labs® (Leeman®) 81 PerkinElmer® 91 Spectro Analytical 94 Shimadzu® 94 Thermo® 99 Analytik Jena® (Bruker/Varian) ICP-MS 100 HF Resistant Sample Introduction 102 ICP-OES / ICP-MS Nebulizers 102 Cross Flow 103 Concentric 105 Quick Connect Kits 106 Parallel Path Burgener 107 Modified Lichte 107 Noordemer and V-Groove 108 ICP-MS Cones

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ICP-OES & ICP-MS sample introduction - 2

SCP SCIENCE ICP-MS & ICP-OES ICP-OES / ICP-MS SAMPLE INTRODUCTION Are you trying to get the best performance from your ICP OES/MS? Looking for alternatives to high-priced OEM components? Try some of the New and Innovative products that SCP SCIENCE has to offer! Ask your Sales Representative, and don’t forget to inquire about our FREE promotional items! teflon® insert for cyclonic spray chamber Battling against residue build-up inside the spray chamber is a familiar exercise for the experienced ICP analyst. This residue is the perfectly normal build-up that occurs during hours of operation,...

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ICP-OES & ICP-MS sample introduction - 4

ICP-MS & ICP-OES OEM x-ref number Catalog No. Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 20 ml, Borosilicate, 8 mm exit, 4 mm drain Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 50 ml Borosilicate 020-054-160 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 50 ml Borosilicate 020-050-174 www.scpscience.com | e-mail: sales@scpscience.com | phone: +1 (514) 457-0701

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ICP-OES & ICP-MS sample introduction - 5

ICP-MS & ICP-OES ICP-OES / ICP-MS Sample Introduction (Spray Chambers & Torches) AGILENT® (VARIAN) ICP-OES axial torches & accessories Description OEM x-ref number Catalog No. Torch, Fixed, Axial, 2.4 mm Torch, Fixed, Axial, 90° bend, 0.8 mm Torch, Fixed, Axial, 90° bend, 1.4 mm Torch, Fixed, Axial, 90° bend, 1.4 mm, 12/5 joint Torch, Fixed, Axial, 90° bend, 2.0 mm Alumina injector. Torch, Fixed, Axial, 90° bend, 2.2 mm w/ Sheath Gas Torch, Fixed, Axial, 90° bend, 2.3 mm, 12/5 joint Torch, Fixed, Axial, 90° bend, 2.4 mm Torch, Fixed, Axial, 90° bend, 2.4 mm, Long Life Torch, ICP High...

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ICP-OES & ICP-MS sample introduction - 6

76 SCP SCIENCE ICP-MS & ICP-OES Description OEM x-ref number Catalog No. Spray Chamber, Cyclonic 50 ml Borosilicate 020-054-160 Cyclonic Spray Chamber Insert - 50 ml Borosilicate 020-054-162 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 50 ml, Ultem, 12/5 joint, 4 mm drain, PTFE Insert www.scpscience.com | e-mail: sales@scpscience.com | phone: +1 (514) 457-0701

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ICP-OES & ICP-MS sample introduction - 7

ICP-MS & ICP-OES ICP-OES / ICP-MS Sample Introduction (Spray Chambers & Torches) AGILENT® (VARIAN) ICP-OES radial torches & accessories Description OEM x-ref number Catalog No. Torch, Fixed, Radial, 0.8 mm Torch, Fixed, Radial, 0.8 mm, 12/5 joint Torch, Fixed, Radial, 1.4 mm, 12/5 female joint Torch, Fixed, Radial, 1.5 mm, 12/5 female joint Torch, Fixed, Radial, 1.6 mm Torch, Fixed, Radial, 1.8 mm Torch, Fixed, Radial, 2.3 mm, 12/5 female joint Torch, Extended for Nitrogen Torch Body, Radial Injector, Quartz, 0.8 mm (pk/3) Injector, Quartz, 1.8 mm Injector, Alumina, 1.8 mm Injector,...

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ICP-OES & ICP-MS sample introduction - 8

78 SCP SCIENCE ICP-MS & ICP-OES OEM x-ref number Catalog No. Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 50 ml, Ultem, 12/5 joint, 4 mm drain, PTFE Insert U-Drain Trap Ground Joint 020-053-108 PTFE Insert for Cyclonic Spray Chamber 020-053-316 www.scpscience.com | e-mail: sales@scpscience.com | phone: +1 (514) 457-0701

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ICP-MS & ICP-OES ICP-OES / ICP-MS Sample Introduction (Spray Chambers & Torches) HORIBA® (JOBIN YVON®) torches & accessories Description OEM x-ref number Catalog No. Torch, Fixed, Quartz, 1.5 mm 12/5 joint Torch Kit, Demountable, Quartz, Complete Torch, Body, Demountable Torch Tube, Outer, Radial, Quartz, 71 mm Torch Tube, Outer, Radial, Quartz, 82.5 mm Torch Tube, Outer, Axial, Quartz 105 mm Torch Tube, Quartz, Inner Torch Centering Ring, Teflon® Injector, Quartz Injector, Quartz, 3.0 mm Injector, Alumina, 3.1 mm Injector, Alumina 3.1 mm w/ PTFE Holder Injector Tube Holder, PTFE Sheath...

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ICP-OES & ICP-MS sample introduction - 10

ICP-MS & ICP-OES ICP-OES / ICP-MS Sample Introduction (Spray Chambers & Torches) TELEDYNE LEEMAN LABS (LEEMAN®) spray chambers & accessories description OEM x-ref number Catalog No. Jacketed Cyclonic Spray Chamber, Borosilicate 020-051-125 torches & accessories Torch, Fixed 2.5 mm (straight bore) 020-054-055 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 50 ml, Ultem, No Baffle, PTFE Insert Torch, Fixed, Radial, 12/5 joint, Aqueous Torch, Fixed, Radial, 12/5 joint, Organics Torch, Fixed, 1.0 mm, Beveled End Torch, Fixed, Tandem, Aqueous, 1.5 mm Torch, Fixed, Tandem, Organic, 1.0 mm Torch, Fixed, Organic, 12/5...

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ICP-MS & ICP-OES spray chambers & accessories Scott Spray Chamber, Borosilicate,Type II 020-050-211

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ICP-MS & ICP-OES ICP-OES / ICP-MS Sample Introduction (Spray Chambers & Torches) PERKINELMER® OPtIMA 3000 SERIES xL, SCx spray chambers & accessories Description OEM x-ref number Catalog No. Spray Chamber Cyclonic Ultem 020-051-111 torches & ACCESSORIES Injector Support Adapter, PEEK, for Scott Spray chamber 020-050-425 Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 50 ml, Ultem, 12/5 joint, 4 mm drain, PTFE Insert Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 50 ml, Ultem, Baffle, 12/5 joint, 4 mm drain, PTFE Insert Adaptor, Ultem, 12 mm torch to 12/5 jointed Spray chamber Cyclonic Spray Chamber, 50 ml, Borosilicate, 11.3 mm exit, 4...

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ICP-OES & ICP-MS sample introduction - 13

ICP-MS & ICP-OES Spray Chamber, Cyclonic, Borosilicate 020-051-141 Spray Chamber, Cyclonic, Borosilicate 020-050-248

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