Catalog excerpts

COVID-19 testing solutions Molecular diagnostic and serological tools in response to COVID-19 pandemic
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INTRO INTRO COVID-19 testing solutions Molecular and serological assays to diagnose and monitor SARS-CoV-2 infection Since the raise of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak that led to COVID-19 pandemic, Sentinel Diagnostics has developed several solutions to help labs address their challenges in regards to diagnosis of infection and assessment of serological immunity. Our solutions include both molecular diagnostic tests and serological tests that can meet the throughput and flexibility needs of the laboratories. Currently, the gold standard for the diagnosis of the SARS-CoV-2 infection is the...
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STabilized Amplification Technology STAT-NAT® is Sentinel Diagnostics’ proprietary technology developed with a new protective compound able to stabilize the activity of enzymes for a very long time with no temperature controlled storage requirements. STAT-NAT® kits contain all reagents and buffers required to perform the reaction. Lyophilized reagents are delivered in prefilled 8-tube strips, to increase the easy-of-use and reduce potential pipetting mistakes. STAT-NAT® SARS-CoV-2, STAT-NAT® COVID-19 MULTI and STAT-NAT® Pluri CoV-2-FLU-RSV kits are available also in amber colored vial...
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RT-PCR ASSAY Lyophilized mix for multiplex detection of 3 highly conservative genes of SARS-CoV-2 in RT-PCR STAT-NAT® SARS-CoV-2 kits are lyophilized, one step protocol, Real-Time RT-PCR multiplex assays based on nucleic acid amplification for the qualitative detection of RNA from the SARS-CoV-2, in human nasopharyngeal swab specimens. The kits consist of one optimized freeze-dried reaction mixture targeting simultaneously the specific regions of SARS-CoV-2 N gene and RdRP gene and the E gene common to all Sarbecovirus. Human RNase P, endogenous housekeeping gene, is used as Internal...
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Pluri CoV-2-FLU-RSV Lyophilized mix for multiplex detection of novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, FLU A&B and RSV STAT-NAT® Pluri CoV-2-FLU-RSV kits are lyophilized, one step protocol, Real-Time RT-PCR multiplex assays based on nucleic acid amplification for the qualitative detection of specific regions of SARS-CoV-2 (N gene), Influenza A&B (M2-M1 genes and NEP-NS1 genes), and RSV A&B (L gene) allowing fast and simple results evaluation. Human RNase P, endogenous housekeeping gene, is used as Internal Control. STAT-NAT® Pluri CoV-2-FLU-RSV kits allow to distinguish between infection of...
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Platforms for molecular diagnostics S E N T N AT 200 True walk away sample-to-result CE-IVDR certified system • Fully automated, highly reproducible benchtop instrument for extraction, PCR set-up and results analisys • Multiparametric analysis from one single sample • From 1 to 48 samples processed in the same run • Flexibility due to two integrated independent qPCRs thermal cyclers • Ready-to-use validated pre-loaded protocols • Full traceability of samples and reagents assured by the barcode reader • Magnetic DNA/RNA extraction from different specimen types • Wide portfolio of...
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COVID-19 Anti-S1 Total Ab COVID-19 Anti-NC Total Ab Quick semi-quantitative solution for screening of community and population to assess the immunity status of patients The COVID-19 Anti-S1 Total Ab and COVID-19 Anti-NC Total Ab assays are in vitro diagnostic tests for the detection of total antibodies (IgA, IgG and IgM) to SARSCoV-2 in human serum and plasma versus specific protein of the virus, Spike RBD S1 or Nucleocapsid (NC), using immunoturbidimetric method. The assays can provide important information on the immunoresponse to SARS-CoV-2. Glycoprotein spike (S) Envelope (E) The...
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STAT-NAT® COVID-19 MULTI Lyophilized one-step protocol multiplex Real-Time RT PCR mix for the detection of novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Prefilled strips STAT-NAT® COVID-19 MULTI Lyophilized one-step protocol multiplex Real-Time RT PCR mix for the detection of novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Vials STAT-NAT® COVID-19 MULTI Dried down Positive Control for STAT-NAT® COVID-19 MULTI (Ref. 1N041) STAT-NAT® Pluri CoV-2-FLU-RSV Lyophilized one-step protocol multiplex Real-Time RT PCR mix for the detection of SARS-CoV-2, FLU A&B and RSV Prefilled strips STAT-NAT® Pluri CoV-2-FLU-RSV Lyophilized one-step...
Open the catalog to page 8All SENTINEL DIAGNOSTICS catalogs and technical brochures
Professional Rapid Test line
3 Pages
Cystatin C
2 Pages
2 Pages
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STAT-NAT® Pathomag
2 Pages
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Lipase Color Liquid EN
2 Pages
STAT-NAT® Adenovirus
2 Pages
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4 Pages
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Oligoelements EN
2 Pages
FOB Gold® System EN
6 Pages
CALiaGold® EN
2 Pages
4 Pages
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The Lipids Profile
2 Pages
UIBC Liquid
2 Pages
4 Pages
CRP Ultra
2 Pages
ACE Liquid
2 Pages