FOB Gold® System EN
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Catalog excerpts

FOB Gold® System EN - 1

The universal system for Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) Automated solutions for colorectal cancer screening and routine Fecal Occult Blood testing

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FOB Gold® System EN - 2

FOB Gold® System The FOB Gold® System is an automated immunochemical test suitable for all clinical chemistry analyzers. The FOB Gold® System is a unique and complete solution which comprises a tube for sample collection and a next-generation immunological latex reagent for the detection of Fecal Occult Blood. ADVANTAGES • Automated solutions for FIT in routine and screening use. • Universal collection tube for a direct and immediate fit on your clinical chemistry analyzer. • Quantitative test for human hemoglobin in feces. • 15 years of experience of FOB automated testing on Clinical...

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FOB Gold® System EN - 3

FOB Gold® NG Wide Reagent Next Generation latex immunological reagent. FEATURES & ANALYTICAL ADVANTAGES • Latex agglutination assay and turbidimetric reading. • Liquid ready to use reagent. • High specific reagent to human hemoglobin and lower gastrointestinal bleeding. • High sensitive reagent to small amounts of blood in feces. • Prolonged on board stability of the reagent: up to 30 days • No dietary restrictions nor drug interference. Latex Agglutination Incident beam Latex particles coated with anti-human hemoglobin antibody Sample Hemoglobin Light absorption FOB Gold® Calibrator &...

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FOB Gold® System EN - 5

FOB Gold® Tube From sampling to analysis. ANALYSIS The collection device is easy to use: unscrew the green cap with attached stick to collect the sample FOB Gold® tube guarantees high sample stability after collection To analyze simply unscrew the secondary closure with transparent cap FEATURES LABELING Place the tube directly on the sample rack of the automated analyzer RELATED ADVANTAGES Detachable double barcode label for unique patient identification Barcoded label Patient Information Immediate visual examination of sample D0424 Transparent label Sample and patient traceability

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FOB Gold® System EN - 6

FOB Gold® Line Products FOB Gold® Tube Screen 100 pcs Collection tube and universal reagent guarantee clinical results consistency for all the available solutions Ref. 1157501 FOB Gold® Screen Diluent FOB Gold Calibrator Wide ® FOB Gold® Control Set Wide Sentinel CH. SpA Via Robert Koch, 2 20152 Milan - Italy Phone: +39 02 3455141 Fax: +39 02 34551464

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