Group: NeoVitea

Catalog excerpts

ISE SERIES TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ISE SERIES: REFERENCE A0400 TO A0405 ISE AUTOLOADER: REFERENCE A0406 PRINCIPLES Ion Selective Electrode direct measurement Manometric method for TCO2 MEMORY STORAGE 256 patient files x 5 parameters each Transfer LIS mono-directional SAMPLES 150 µl: Whole blood, serum, plasma and urine Specific modes for urine and lipemic serum REAGENTS PACK Shelf life: 12 to 18 months Standard Pack: Cal A, Cal B, Waste Pack for ISE 4000 & 6000: Cal A, Cal B, TCO2 reagent DETECTION RANGE Whole blood, serum and plasma K+ 0.5 – 15.0 mmol/L Na+ 20 – 200 mmol/L Cl- 20 – 200 mmol/L Li+ 0.2 – 3.0 mmol/L Ca2+ 0.1 – 5.0 mmol/L pH 4.0 – 9.0 pH TCO2 6.0 – 50.0 mmol/L Urine K+ Na+ Cl- ACCURACY AND REPRODUCIBILITY Accuracy Reproducibility K+ ±0.2 mmol/L < 1.0% Na+ ±2.0 mmol/L < 1.0% Cl ±2.5 mmol/L < 1.0% Li+ ±0.1 mmol/L < 3.0% Ca2+ ±0.1 mmol/L* < 2.0% pH ±0.1 < 1.0% TCO2 ±2.0 mmol/L* < 3.0% * for plasma only Quality Control Two levels with optional auto sampler One level without auto sampler ELECTRODES Long life: up to 5 years (6 months for Ca2+) 12 month warranty (6 month warranty for Ca2+) Non contractual document. Specifications subject to change without notice. Ref. ISESERIES ENG-V201901 – Copyright © 2019 SFRI. All rights reserved THROUGHPUT 60 tests per hour without TCO2 45 tests per hour with TCO2 INPUT/OUTPUT Barcode interface (optional barcode) RS232 port for mono-directional LIS PRINTOUT Fast thermal printer, 57.5 mm wide paper, recording width 48 mm DISPLAY 5” LCD touch screen with monochrome display Multilingual interface: English, French, Spanish and Italian OPERATING ENVIRONMENT Temperature 15°C – 32°C Humidity < 85% (max humidity) POWER REQUIREMENTS A.C. 110/220 V ±10%; 50 – 60 Hz Power : < 60 W DIMENSIONS 390(W) x 445(H) x 340(D) mm WEIGHT Main unit : 10 kg; Auto sampler : 1.5 kg Your Local Distributor: Calibration Automatic: 2 points every 4h or on demand SFRI SAS - Lieu-dit Berganton - 33127 Saint Jean d’Illac (Bordeaux) - FRANCE Tel. +33 (0)5 56 68 80 50 - Fax +33 (0)5 56 21
Open the catalog to page 1
Optimized Efficiency ISE SERIES An Electrolyte Analyzer Adapted to Every Need Thanks to its automatically performed 2 point calibration every 4 hours, results are accurate with good reproducibility through time (automatic curve compensation is available). 1 point calibration is also ensured with every sample. Optional barcode reader allows for quick and easy identification of samples. ISE SERIES Ergonomic and Economical Design Features User-friendly Operations The advanced design of hardware, fluid tubing system and self-diagnosis software, make maintenance and troubleshooting easy and...
Open the catalog to page 2
ISE SERIES TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ISE SERIES: REFERENCE A0400 TO A0405 ISE AUTOLOADER: REFERENCE A0406 PRINCIPLES Ion Selective Electrode direct measurement Manometric method for TCO2 MEMORY STORAGE 256 patient files x 5 parameters each Transfer LIS mono-directional SAMPLES 150 µl: Whole blood, serum, plasma and urine Specific modes for urine and lipemic serum REAGENTS PACK Shelf life: 12 to 18 months Standard Pack: Cal A, Cal B, Waste Pack for ISE 4000 & 6000: Cal A, Cal B, TCO2 reagent DETECTION RANGE Whole blood, serum and plasma K+ 0.5 – 15.0 mmol/L Na+ 20 – 200 mmol/L Cl- 20 – 200...
Open the catalog to page 3All SFRI catalogs and technical brochures
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HEMIX 5-60
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Compatible reagents
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ESR 3000
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