Catalog excerpts

Clinical Chemistry Reagents
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KHB Clinical Chemistry Testing Items Diverse items menu Multiple items available for attached calibrators . Over 100 kinds of clinical I chemistry reagents that i ^ meet clinical requirement j ; Bar code scanning for accurate j reagent information and reliable \ period of validity management I Traceable matching calibrators I provided to ensure detection i results and lower user costs Excellent anti-interference capability 1 Outstanding abnormal sample I detection, effectively reducing retest Land avoiding delayed reports , Clinical Chemistry Reagents Test Menu ^ J Renal Function ^ Blood...
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• Aeroset • ARCHITECT C8000 • ARCHITECT C16000 • Accute TBA-40FR • Accute TBA-120FR • Accute TBA-2000FR • Dimension RxL Max/Xpand Plus • ADVIA1200/1650/1800/2400
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ALB Albumin Kit (Bromocresol Green Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range ZY-260 ZY-400 ZY-1200 Polaris Polaris General Liver Function ALT Alanine Aminotransferase Kit (uv-ldh Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Liver Function! mAST Mitochondrial Aspartate Transaminase Test Kit (immunosuppressive Assay) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Liver Function AST Aspartate Aminotransferase Kit (uv-mdh Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months)...
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A D-Bil Direct Bilirubin Kit (vanadate Oxidation Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Liver Function y-GT y-Glutamyltransferase Kit (L-y-glutamyl-3-carboxy-4-nitroanilide Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Liver Function T-Bil Total Bilirubin Kit (vanadate Oxidation Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Liver Function A TP Total Protein Kit (Biuret Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range
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ALP Alkaline Phosphatase Kit Camp Buffer Method Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Liver Function ^ CHE Cholinesterase Kit (standard Method/DGKC 94’) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Liver Function Prealbumin Kit (immunoturbidimetric Assay) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Polaris General Liver Function A TBA Total Bile Acids Kit (Enzyme Cycling Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range
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5'-NT 5’-Nucleotidase Test Kit (Rate Assa Ref. No. Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Liver Function ADA Adenosine Deaminase Test Kit (Rate Assay) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Liver Function GPDA Glycylproline Dipeptidyl Aminopeptidase Assay Kit (Rate Method) Ref. No. Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Liver Function A AFU a -L-Fucosidase Kit (CNPF Substrate Assay) Ref. No. Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear...
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Cholyglycine Kit (Homogeneous Enzyme Immunoassay Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Pancreas a-Amy n a-Amylase Assay Kit (EPS Substrate Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Pancreas P-AMY Pancreas Amylase Assay Kit (immunosuppression and EPS Substrate Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Pancreas LPS Lipase Kit (Rate Assay) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range
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UREA Urea Kit (uv-gldh Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range ZY-260 ZY-400 ZY-1200 Polaris Polaris General Renal Function' Creatinine Kit (Sarcosine Oxidase -PAP Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Renal Function ^ UA Uric Acid Kit (uricase-PAP Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Renal Function A CysC Cystatin C Kit (immunoturbidimetric Assay) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range
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A UMfl n Urine Microalbumin Kit (Latex Immunoturbidimetric Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Polaris General Renal Function' UMA Urine Microalbumin Kit (immunoturbidimetric Assay) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range (32-MG p2-Microglobulin Test Kit (Latex enhanced Immunoturbidimetric Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Renal Function A R2-MG n p2-Microglobulin Test Kit (Latex Immunoturbidimetric Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life...
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A NAG N-acetyl-p-D-glucosaminidase Assay Kit (Rate Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Renal Function A rbp Retinol Binding Protein Assay Kit (Latex Immunoturbidimetric Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Renal Function NGAL Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin Assay Kit (Latex Immunoturbidimetric Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Polaris General Renal Function ^ al-MG al-Microglobulin Assay Kit (Latex Immunoturbidimetric...
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Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Glucose Metabolism i GLU (GOD) Glucose Kit (GOD-PAP Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Glucose Metabolism i HbAlc Hemoglobin Ale Kit (Enzymatic Method) Applicable Instrument Shelf life (months) On-board stability (days) Linear range Hemolytic Agent: lx42mL) 80mL (HbAlc Rla: lxi8.5mL, Rib: lx8mL, R2: lxii.5mL, Cal: 2x0.5mL, General Hemolytic Agent: lx42mL) Glucose Metabolism HbAlc n Hemoglobin Ale Assay Kit (Latex Immunoturbidimetric Method) Applicable...
Open the catalog to page 12All Shanghai Kehua Bio-engineering catalogs and technical brochures
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