Piston Pump


Catalog excerpts

Piston Pump - 1

PI STON PUMP SERI ES Hi gh aspri t e and di spense accuracy Ext r emel yhi gh and st abl equant i t at i veaspr i t e and di spenseaccur acy Up t o 5 mi l l i on cycl es ofservi ce l i f e Si ngl epump i scapabl eof500 mi l l i on cycl es Hi gh chemi cal resi st ance Wi desel ect i on ofcor r osi onr esi st antand seal i ng mat er i al s Transparentmat eri ali s more recogni sabi l i t y Mul t i i nt erf ace,f l exi bl e f ordri ve cont roluni t Type Regul arPi st on Pumps I fot hert ypesofr eagent sar eused,t est i ng and ver i f i cat i onar er equi r ed. Thi sspeci f i cat i ont abl ehasbeensi mpl i f i ed ,pl easer eachoursal est eam f ordet ai l ed i nf or mat i on. Regul armoul d pi st on pump Forr ef er enceonl y,t hespeci f i cext er naldi mensi ondat ai nt heManualt akespr ecedence. onl i ne envi ronment al moni t ori ng Laborat ory anal ysi s i ndust r i alaut omat i on medi cali nst rument s Forr ef er enceonl y,pl easecont actoursal est eam f ordet ai l ed appl i cat i oni nf or mat i on. Thef i nalr i ghtt oi nt er pr etal loft heabovei sr eser ved byKeyt o.

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