Catalog excerpts
Application Handbook Liquid Chromatography
Open the catalog to page 1HPLC, UHPLC as well as SFC systems are able to quantitatively analyze substances in mixtures containing multiple ingredients by separating and detecting target substances. They are used to separate, quantify, qualify or purify single components from a sample containing various analytes in different matrices. Shimadzu offers a wide variety of application-specific systems, such as automated sample pretreatment systems for amino acid analysis or on-line sample trapping for the quantification of residual pesticides in food or soil. Find more information on:
Open the catalog to page 2Contents1. Clinical Nexera UC SFE-SFC Nexera X2-RF Nexera-e (2D LC) Nexera-i Nexera UC SFE-LCMS/MS Prominence-i Prominence-i RF Prominence-UV 3. Food, Beverages & Agriculture Nexera UC SFE-GCMS Nexera UC SFE-SFC Nexera X2-PDA Nexera X2-RF Nexera-e (2D LC) Nexera-i RF Prominence-i Prominence-i RID Prominence-PDA Prominence-RF Co-Sense for Impurities Nexera UC SFC Nexera UC SFE-SFC Nexera X2-PDA Nexera X2-RID Nexera X2-UV Nexera-i Prominence-i Prominence-UV
Open the catalog to page 3SHIMADZU Excellence in Science
Open the catalog to page 4The analysis of whole blood, plasma, serum and urine is a most insightful method in clinical research. Since the sensitivity of analytical instrumentation has improved steadily in recent years, research results and reliability have increased as well. In clinical applications, analytical instruments unfold a multitude of benefits: • hey support the quality of life by optimizing the treatment T plan. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) can assure the plasma concentration of a medication which is affected by age or health and also depends on gender, genetic constitution and drug regimen....
Open the catalog to page 51. Clinical Nexera UC SFE-SFC L496 Analysis of unstable compounds using online SFE-SFC Nexera X2-RF High-speed, sensitive analysis of serotonin High sensitivity profiling of glycans in antibody drugs using RF-20AXS Analysis of pre-column derivatized amino acids in proteins Nexera-e (2D LC) C190-E176 Online comprehensive RPLCxRPLC /IT-TOF for proteome isoforms C190-E181 Stop-flow comprehensive 2D-LCMS for analysis of phospholipids L462 Glycerophospholipids analysis by com prehensive HPLC coupled with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer Nexera-i Peptide mapping of antibody drugs...
Open the catalog to page 6Application News Supercritical Fluid Extraction / Chromatography Analysis of Unstable Compounds Using Online SFE-SFC Supercritical fluids have characteristics of both gas and liquid; low viscosity, high diffusivity and solubility. In particular, carbon dioxide becomes a supercritical fluid at a relatively modest critical point (31.1 °C and 7.38 MPa). Due to its low toxicity, inertness, easy availability, and low cost, supercritical carbon dioxide fluid is used in a wide variety of fields. Analytical applications using it include supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) and supercritical fluid...
Open the catalog to page 7n Online SFE-SFC Analysis of Reduced Coenzyme Q10 Fig. 2 shows the structure of the reduced coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinol). It is easily oxidized to form oxidized coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone). In this case, both solvent extractionSFC and online SFE-SFC were used to analyze the reduced coenzyme Q10 contained in a supplement capsule. Pretreatment operations and analytical conditions for the solvent extraction-SFC analysis are indicated in Fig. 3 and Table 1. Chromatograms from analyzing the supplement and the oxidized coenzyme Q10 standard sample are shown in Fig. 4. Reducd coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinol...
Open the catalog to page 8Data Sheet High-speed, Sensitive Analysis of Serotonin No. 21 Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) is a biologically active substance that plays an important role in the body, functioning in the blood to constrict the vascular smooth muscle, and to promote platelet aggregation. This article introduces an example of ultrafast analysis of serotonin in the blood utilizing the Nexera UHPLC system and the RF-20Axs high-sensitivity fluorescence detector. Analysis of Serotonin in the Blood The blood sample was subjected to deproteinization via an aqueous trichloroacetic acid solution. A Shim-pack...
Open the catalog to page 9Application News High Performance Liquid Chromatography High Sensitivity Profiling of Glycans in Antibody Drugs Using RF-20AXS Glycans, or sugar chains, in antibody drugs play roles in the antigenicity, pharmacokinetics, and stability of higher-order structure, which could adversely affect their safety and effectiveness. Further, there is also concern about the non-uniformity of these glycans due to instability of antibody drug culture conditions, which h a s h e i g h t e n e d the nec essity to manage th ei r production process. However, while there is currently no glycan test method...
Open the catalog to page 10Application No. L452A News Table 2 Analytical Conditions n Analysis of Glycans in Antibody Drugs According to the pretreatment procedure of Fig. 3, the glycans were extracted from 2 types of antibody drugs, a n d f o l l o w i n g p u r i f i c a t i o n , w e re s u b j e c t e d t o fluorescent derivatization by PA (pyridylamination). Fig. 4 shows the chromatograms of PA-glycans from antibody drugs, and Table 2 shows the analytical conditions used. Comparing the peaks in the vicinity of 50 minutes for the drugs A and B, respectively, the quantity of glycans associated with that peak in...
Open the catalog to page 11Application News High Performance Liquid Chromatography High Speed, High Resolution Analysis (Part 47) Analysis of Pre-Column Derivatized Amino Acids by the Nexera SIL-30AC Autosampler (Part 3) Amino acid composition analysis has traditionally been conducted for protein quantitation and peptide structure prediction. Its use has also extended in recent years to the quantitation of such functional components as branched chain amino acids (BCAA). Previously, in Application News No. L432 and L437, we introduced examples of analysis of amino acids subjected to fluorescence derivatization using...
Open the catalog to page 12n Analysis of Angiotensin I Hydrolysate Angiotensin is a polypeptide that exhibits vasoconstriction activity to increase blood pressure. There are four types of angiotensin, types Ⅰ- Ⅳ, that differ in the numbers and types of amino acids in their structures. The structure of angiotensin Ⅰ consists of a total of ten amino acid residues, including aspartic acid, arginine, valine, tyrosine, isoleucine, proline, phenylalanine, leucine, and two molecules of histidine. In response to the action of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), angiotensin Ⅰ is converted to angiotensin Ⅱ, which exhibits...
Open the catalog to page 13All Shimadzu Europa Analytical Instruments catalogs and technical brochures
12 Pages
TOC process analysis
16 Pages
ICPMS-2030 Series
16 Pages
8 Pages
Application Handbook
127 Pages
Pharmaceutical industry
14 Pages
Chemical industry
22 Pages
5. TOC in daily practice
33 Pages
TOC process analysis
18 Pages
TX/TXB/TW Series
8 Pages
8 Pages
2 Pages
MOC 63u
6 Pages
4 Pages
6 Pages
New issue Shimadzu News 1/2015
32 Pages
8 Pages
Catalog BW-K/BX-K Series
2 Pages
ATX/ATY Series
4 Pages
Catalog ELB - Series
2 Pages
Catalog EL
2 Pages
Catalog BL-Series
2 Pages
Catalog UW-Series
6 Pages
TOC-L Series
2 Pages
LC 2010
3 Pages
Edman Sequencer PPSQ-31A/33A
8 Pages
AXIMA Resonance
6 Pages
AXIMA Performance
2 Pages
AXIMA Confidence
2 Pages
AXIMA Assurance
2 Pages
2 Pages
14 Pages
14 Pages
Prominence nano
8 Pages