Catalog excerpts
Access to your success Prominence nano Nanoflow Liquid Chromatograph NANOFLOW LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPH
Open the catalog to page 1Feat u r e s Uncompromising core performance for high-precision proteome analysis The Reflux Flow Control (RFC)* System offers superior flow-rate precision in the nano flow-rate range, making nano flow-rate gradient analysis with higher reproducibility possible. * P atent pending Unnecessary solvent consumption is eliminated because a split drain after 2-liquid mixing is not required. In the nano flow-rate range, stable solvent delivery and solvent consumption volume are important. The LC-20ADnano equips nano flow-rate control mechanisms for each pump independently. The flow rate is...
Open the catalog to page 2Graphically assisted software operation Instrument control through an easy-to-understand GUI Nano-Assist control software – 2D LC operation made easy – Complicated gradient programming for two-dimensional HPLC is made easy by the Nano-Assist’s graphical user interface. Just input the parameters to have the method file created and downloaded to the instruments. Visual presentations of flow-line connections and gradient curves help prevent operation errors. 2D LC setting window of Nano-Assist Samples such as enzymatically digested proteins are introduced into the first dimension. High peak...
Open the catalog to page 3Per fo r m a n c e High-precision proteome analysis by Prominence nano Data reliability is realized by high basic performance – Exemplary retention time repeatability – The LC-20ADnano, equipped with an RFC system, demonstrates high core performance, achieving 0.20% RSD or less (RSD% (n=6)) at a 300nL/min. flow rate. In proteome analysis, it is required to separate and identify many digestive enzyme peptides with very similar chromatographic retention characteristics. For peak comparison of samples in differential analysis, retention time reproducibility is very important. With Prominence...
Open the catalog to page 4E xp a n d a b i l i t y Prominence nano provides ultra flexibility Easy to combine with MALDI-TOF MS systems – AccuSpot MALDI spotting device – The Prominence nano system can be used with an online connected nano-ESI mass spectrometer or with a MALDI TOF mass spectrometer with a MALDI plate spotting device. For the accurate spotting of each chromatographic peak onto a MALDI plate, flow rates at about several hundreds of nL/minute are commonly applied; thus, LC with low flow rate precision is required. The Prominence nano is an ideal system for this purpose. 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0...
Open the catalog to page 5S pec i f i c a t i o n s Prominence nano modules LC-20ADnano Solvent Delivery Unit LC-20ADnano (228-45121-3x) Solvent delivery method Reflux flow control system Flow-rate setting range 1 nL/min – 5 μL/min (stand-alone operation) 10 nL/min – 5 μL/min (controlled by the Nano-Assist) 100 nL/min – 5 μL/min (controlled by CBM-20A, Solution software) Safety measures Liquid-leakage sensor, High-pressure/low-pressure limits Operating temperature range 16°C - 28 °C Dimensions, Weight 260 (W) x 140 (H) x 420 (D) mm, 11 kg Power requirements AC 110 V, 230V, 150 VA, 50/60 Hz FCV nano Switching Valve...
Open the catalog to page 6System Configurations Prominence nano 1-dimensional System P/N Item Qty 228-45012-xx CBM-20A, System Controller 1 228-45121-xx LC-20ADnano, Solvent Delivery Unit for analysis 2 228-45000-xx LC-20AD, Solvent Delivery Unit for trapping 1 228-45019-xx DGU-20A5, On-line Degasser 1 228-45007-xx SIL-20AC, Autosampler 1 228-45060-xx Option BoxVP 1 228-45123-91 FCV nano, Switching Valve 1 223-03507-91 PC-55N, A/D Board 2 228-45041-91 Preserver Tray 1 228-45124-92 Start-up Kit for nano LC 1 Prominence nano 2-dimensional System P/N Item 228-45012-xx CBM-20A, System Controller 228-45121-xx...
Open the catalog to page 7P Sh Na JQA-0376 Founded in 1875, Shimadzu Corporation, a leader in the development of advanced technologies, has a distinguished history of innovation built on the foundation of contributing to society through science and technology. We maintain a global network of sales, service, technical support and applications centers on six continents, and have established long-term relationships with a host of highly trained distributors located in over 100 countries. For information about Shimadzu, and to contact your local office, please visit our Web site at SHIMADZU CORPORATION....
Open the catalog to page 8All Shimadzu Europa Analytical Instruments catalogs and technical brochures
12 Pages
TOC process analysis
16 Pages
ICPMS-2030 Series
16 Pages
8 Pages
Application Handbook
127 Pages
Pharmaceutical industry
14 Pages
Chemical industry
22 Pages
5. TOC in daily practice
33 Pages
TOC process analysis
18 Pages
TX/TXB/TW Series
8 Pages
108 Pages
8 Pages
2 Pages
MOC 63u
6 Pages
4 Pages
6 Pages
New issue Shimadzu News 1/2015
32 Pages
8 Pages
Catalog BW-K/BX-K Series
2 Pages
ATX/ATY Series
4 Pages
Catalog ELB - Series
2 Pages
Catalog EL
2 Pages
Catalog BL-Series
2 Pages
Catalog UW-Series
6 Pages
TOC-L Series
2 Pages
LC 2010
3 Pages
Edman Sequencer PPSQ-31A/33A
8 Pages
AXIMA Resonance
6 Pages
AXIMA Performance
2 Pages
AXIMA Confidence
2 Pages
AXIMA Assurance
2 Pages
2 Pages
14 Pages
14 Pages