Catalog excerpts
Access to your success Ultra Fast Liquid Chromatograph
Open the catalog to page 1P romi n e n c e U F L C XR - p ro g re s s in g t owa rd mo re e f fe ctive performance - Now you have extra resolution in ultra-fast separations. - Ultra high-pressure endurance up to 66 MPa provides a wider variety of applications for UFLC - F o r h ig h er re s o lu tio n and higher sensit ivit y The balance between an appropriately small particle-sized column media and the length of a column is an important factor to improve column performance. For true high-resolution analysis, a number of conditions must be met. These include finding a balance between increased column pressure and a...
Open the catalog to page 2nce - A p p lic a ble to a wid er rang e of applicat ions Through the use of a longer column, mobile phase containing methanol, analysis under a slightly lower room temperature and other easy-to-prepare conditions, Prominence UFLCXR provides enhanced resolution. Furthermore, the analytical methods you currently use can easily be transferred to high-speed, high-resolution conditions. Anal ysi s of f ood addi t i ves w i t h a mo b i l e phase cont ai ni ng m et hanol High-speed analysis can be performed, even when using mobile phase that contains methanol by using a Shim-pack XR-ODS2 column...
Open the catalog to page 3P rom i n e n c e U F L C XR - p ro g re s s in g t owa rd mo re e f fe c tive performance - A p p lica tio n s Analysis of catechins in Japanese green tea (Uppe r : W at er / Acet oni t r i l e m obi l e p h a s e , L o w e r: Wa t e r/ M e t h a n o l mo b i l e p h a s e ) Prominence UFLCXR enables the use of high-viscosity mobile phase and analysis under lower temperature. Users can also transfer various analytical methods from a conventional column to high-speed analysis, and easily attain separation improvement. Detection : 230 nm; SPD-20A UFLC Column : Shim-pack XR-ODS2 (75 mmL. x...
Open the catalog to page 4e - P romi n e n c e U F L C XR p rov id e s wid e s p re a d a p p lic a t io n flexibility Analysis of a mixture of 9 polycyclic aromatic compounds High-speed and high-resolution analysis by Prominence UFLCXR and Shim-pack XR-ODS2 provides more accurate assay via precise separation. Detection : 254 nm; SPD-20A UFLC Column : Shim-pack XR-ODS2 (150 mmL. x 3.0 mmI.D.) Mobile phase : Water / Acetonitrile = 35 / 65 (v/v) Flow rate : 0.9 mL/min Temperature : 40°C Injection vol. : 4 μL Peaks 1. Fluorene 2. Phenanthrene 3. Anthracene 4. Fluoranthene 5. Pyrene 6. Chrysene 7. Benzo (b) fluoranthene...
Open the catalog to page 5S peci f i c a t i o n s CBM-20A/20Alite CBM-20A (228-45012-xx) Connectable units CBM-20A lite (228-45011-38) Solvent delivery units: 4 max, Solvent delivery units: 4 max, Autosampler: 1, Autosampler: 1, Column oven: 1, Column oven: 1, Detectors: 2 max, Detectors : 2 max Fraction collector: 1 Number of connectable units 8 5 (including the unit incorporating the system controller) Data buffering Approx. 24 hours for an analysis (at 500 ms sampling rate; available only with LCsolution) 4 inputs, 4 outputs Event I/O Analog board 2 inputs, 2 outputs Up to 2 boards can be mounted Not supported...
Open the catalog to page 6SIL-20A XR / 20AC XR SIL-20ACXR (228-45136-xx) SIL-20AXR (228-45135-xx) Injection method Total-volume sample injection, variable injection volume Applicable Pressure Injection volume setting range 66 MPa max. 0.1 to 50 μL (standard), 1 to 100 μL (option) 175 (1mL vials) 175 (1mL vials) 105 (1.5 mL vials) Number of processed samples 70 (1.5 mL vials) 50 (4 mL vials) 50 (4 mL vials) 192 (two 96-well MTP/DWP) 192 (two 96-well MTP/DWP) 768 (two 384-well MTP/DWP) 768 (two 384-well MTP/DWP) also, ten 1.5 mL vials in addition to also, ten 1.5 mL vials in addition to each of the above. each of the...
Open the catalog to page 7P U Shim Ultr JQA-0376 Founded in 1875, Shimadzu Corporation, a leader in the development of advanced technologies, has a distinguished history of innovation built on the foundation of contributing to society through science and technology. We maintain a global network of sales, service, technical support and applications centers on six continents, and have established long-term relationships with a host of highly trained distributors located in over 100 countries. For information about Shimadzu, and to contact your local office, please visit our Web site at SHIMADZU...
Open the catalog to page 8All Shimadzu Europa Analytical Instruments catalogs and technical brochures
12 Pages
TOC process analysis
16 Pages
ICPMS-2030 Series
16 Pages
8 Pages
Application Handbook
127 Pages
Pharmaceutical industry
14 Pages
Chemical industry
22 Pages
5. TOC in daily practice
33 Pages
TOC process analysis
18 Pages
TX/TXB/TW Series
8 Pages
108 Pages
8 Pages
2 Pages
MOC 63u
6 Pages
4 Pages
6 Pages
New issue Shimadzu News 1/2015
32 Pages
8 Pages
Catalog BW-K/BX-K Series
2 Pages
ATX/ATY Series
4 Pages
Catalog ELB - Series
2 Pages
Catalog EL
2 Pages
Catalog BL-Series
2 Pages
Catalog UW-Series
6 Pages
TOC-L Series
2 Pages
LC 2010
3 Pages
Edman Sequencer PPSQ-31A/33A
8 Pages
AXIMA Resonance
6 Pages
AXIMA Performance
2 Pages
AXIMA Confidence
2 Pages
AXIMA Assurance
2 Pages
2 Pages
14 Pages
14 Pages
Prominence nano
8 Pages