Catalog excerpts
Specification Sheet TOC Analyser Catalytic combustion oxidation TOC-L CSH/CSN TOC-L CPH/CPN Items High-Sensitivity Model Standard Model Model TOC-LCPH TOC-LCSH TOC-LCPN TOC-LCSN Measurement 680 °C combustion catalytic oxidation – non-dispersive infrared detection Method (NDIR) method Operation PC-controlled Standalone *PC PC-controlled Standalone *PC Method control available control available Measured Items TC, IC, TOC (= TC-IC), NPOC (TOC measurement via acidification and sparging) *Option: POC, TOC (= NPOC + POC), TN Applicable Aqueous (optional solid/gas samples) Samples Measurement TC: 0 to 30,000 mg/L TC: 0 to 30,000 mg/L Range IC: 0 to 35,000 mg/L IC: 0 to 3,000 mg/L (Option) (Option) TN: 0 to 10,000 mg/L TN: 0 to 10,000 mg/L POC: 0 to 500 mg/L POC: 0 to 500 mg/L Detection Limit TC, IC: 4 μg/L, TN: 5 μg/L TC: 50 μg/L, IC: 4 μg/L, TN: 20 μg/L Reproducibility TC, IC, NPOC: CV 1.5 % max. or TC, NPOC: CV 1.5 % max. or ±50 ±4 μg/L max μg/L max, IC: CV 1.5 % max. or ±4 (Optional TN: CV 3.0 % max. or ±5 μg/L max μg/L max) (Optional TN: CV 3.0 % max. or ±20 μg/L max) Measuring TC: approx. 3 min, IC: approx. 3 TC: approx. 3 min, IC: approx. 4 Time min (Optional TN: approx. 4 min) min (Optional TN: approx. 4 min) Sample Automatic sample injection using a syringe pump and slide type injection Injection mechanism Sample 10 to 2,000 μL variable TC: 10 to 150 μL variable, IC: 10 to Injection 4,500 μL variable Volume IC Removal Automatic addition of acid and sparging Sample Dilution rate of 2× to 50× (automatic sample dilution by syringe pump), Dilution dilution accuracy: ±2 % max. (2× to 20×), ±5 % max. (21× to 50×) Display and Operation by Operation by Operations color LCD color LCD screen (7.5 inch screen (7.5 inch TFT) and TFT) and Operated by PC Operated by PC keyboard keyboard *Operation by *Operation by PC is also PC is also possible possible External ― USB flash ― USB flash Memory memory used memory used (Standalone Type)
Open the catalog to page 1Printer (Standalone Type) Carrier Gas Gas Consumption Power Supply Applicable Regulations Ambient Temperature Range Dimensions Weight ― PC USB printer can be used ― PC USB printer can be used High-purity air (CO, CO2, HC content: Each 1 ppm max., dew point: 50 °C max.) Supply Pressure: 200 ±10 kPa (300 to 600 kPa with an optional carrier gas pressure regulator installed) Optional use of nitrogen gas (not possible in the TN measurement). With the standard model, optional use of pressurized gas. 150 mL/min (230 to 250 mL/min 230 mL/min (variable flowrate) during sparging) A separate 100...
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