Catalog excerpts
High Sensitivity Gas Chromatograph System
Open the catalog to page 1Highly Versatile GC Analyzer for Trace Analysis Plasma Technology is the Future of GC Detection The new Tracera GC System is now ready to solve your trace analysis needs. This system utilizes the new Barrier Discharge Ionization Detector technology coupled with a GC-2010 Plus capillary gas chromatograph to create a GC system that makes it possible to reveal trace components that are difficult to see by other GC detectors.
Open the catalog to page 2High Sensitivity Detection Sensitivity Over 100x Higher than TCD, 2x Higher than FID Novel Universal Detector Single Detector Approach for Your Complex Analyses Long-Term Stability Long-Term Stability with New Discharge Design He He plasma Quartz tube (dielectric substance) Plasma Technology for Universal Trace Analysis The barrier discharge ionization detector (BID) is a highly sensitive device that creates ionization from a Helium-based, dielectric barrier discharge plasma. A 17.7 eV plasma is generated by applying a high voltage to a quartz dielectric chamber, in the presence of helium...
Open the catalog to page 3High Sensitivity Detection Sensitivity Over 100x Higher than TCD, 2x Higher than FID Sensitivity Comparison Between BID and TCD Sensitivities were compared using the responses of permanent gases. BID achieved over 200× higher sensitivity for organic compounds and several tens of times higher sensitivity for permanent gases. 10 ppm concentration each component in He, 1:39 split analysis, 500 µL sample volume High-Sensitivity Analysis of Permanent Gases and Light Hydrocarbons Conventional analytical techniques require a system configuration with multiple detection schemes to analyze for...
Open the catalog to page 4Sensitivity Comparison Chart The chart to the right compares the responses of solvents of different classes to the FID and BID. All of the responses are normalized to that of hexane by FID. Across the different compound classes, the BID is more sensitive and exhibits a more consistent response than the FID. Handles High Boiling Point Components With a maximum operating temperature of 350 °C, the BID is capable of analyzing for compounds up to n-C44. Long-Term Stability Long-Term Stability with New Discharge Design He plasma High-voltage, low-frequency power source The architecture of the...
Open the catalog to page 5Applications A Single System for a Variety Applications The Tracera GC system is based on the GC-2010 Plus platform and includes a Barrier Discharge Ionization Detector. Making it a nearly universal Gas Chromatography tool. Analysis of Reaction Products in Artificial Photosynthesis Research Artificial photosynthesis is a technique to capture energy from the sun and store it chemically. It is expected to become the 4th renewable energy source along with photovoltaic, solar thermal, and biomass. Shown below is a result of simultaneous analysis of CO and H 2, which are generated in a...
Open the catalog to page 6To evaluate the deterioration of lithium ion batteries, analysis of the gas produced during decay is required. The gas components are ideal for analysis by the Tracera system. Shown below is an example of the decay gas of lithium ion batteries. The decay gas is extracted from a lithium ion battery, diluted, then introduced into the gas chromatograph. The Tracera GC system allows simultaneous, high-sensitivity measurement of the lithium ion decay gases using a single detector and carrier gas. SpecificationsTracera: GC-2010 Plus in Combination with BID-2010 Plus BID-2010 Plus Specifications...
Open the catalog to page 7© Shimadzu Corporation, 2013 Printed in Japan 3655-01307-40AIT
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