Catalog excerpts

Leishmania Ab Test Kit Leishmaniasis is a zoonosis that is caused by infection with Leishmania parasites, which are spread by the bite of infected sandflies. RIDX™ Leishmania Ab Test Kit is a diagnostic reagent that can quickly and easily detect Leishmania antibody in canine serum, plasma or whole blood within 10 minutes after dropping the sample. Principal: Chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative test Specimen: Canine blood (whole blood, serum, plasma) Components Leishimania Ab test device (10 tests) Dilution buffer (1 vial) Disposable capillary tube (10 ea) Anti-coagulant tube (with EDTA, 10 ea) Features Clinical Sensitivity 97.6% (120/123) vs. I FA No Cross-reactivity with five canine pathogens (distempervirus, herpesvirus, Ehrlichia, Babesia, Toxoplasma) Test Procedure Close the cap on the tube and invert it 5 times to mix the sample with EDTA. 5 Add 4 drops of the sample dilution buffer into the sample hole on the device. LIC No. Type Package size * LFA : lateral flow assay
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