Catalog excerpts

SOLIS BIODYNE OÜ A: Teaduspargi 9, 50411 Tartu, Estonia E: info@solisbiodyne.com T: +372 7409 960 F: +372 7402 079 HOT FIREPol Multiplex qPCR Mix ® Save Time and Money with Multiplexing HOT FIREPol® Multiplex qPCR Mix is a Probe-based qPCR master mix optimized for highly sensitive and accurate quantification of up to 4 targets in a single reaction. • • • • • Analyze 1-4 targets in 1 reaction Robust with GC-rich targets Contains dUTP for UNG treatment Optional ROX or Purple passive reference dye Unique 30 days stability at room temperature FAM Did you know? Increased stability at room temperature make Solis BioDyne's products ideal for high throughput RNA and DNA analysis Figure 1. 5x HOT FIREPol® Multiplex qPCR Mix (Purple) was used in 4-plex qPCR amplification with 4 tenfold serial dilutions of human gDNA. Reactions were performed with Applied BioSystems™ QuantStudio™ 6 cycler using Purple dye for normalization.
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Reliable quantification of up to 4 targets Figure 2. HOT FIREPol Multiplex qPCR Mix (Purple) was used in 4-plex or 1-plex qPCR amplification with 5 tenfold serial dilutions of human cDNA. Reactions were performed with Applied BioSystems™ QuantStudio™ 6 cycler using Purple dye for normalization. Amount of cDNA ng/µl 4-plex More flexibility with probe design Reduced reagent cost & reaction set-up time Purple is an alternative dye to ROX for cyclers that require passive normalization. This leaves the ROX channel for target detection and enables you to be more flexible in selecting different...
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Product catalog 24/25
58 Pages
SolisFAST® qPCR range
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SolisFAST® Probe qPCR Mix
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SolisFAST® Master Mix
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SOLIScript® 1-step Probe Kit
1 Pages