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SOLIS BIODYNE OÜ A: Teaduspargi 9, 50411 Tartu, Estonia E: info@solisbiodyne.com T: +372 7409 960 HOT FIREPol® SolisGreen® qPCR solutions Highly sensitive dye-based (RT)-qPCR Products solisbiodyne.com Exceptional fluorescence Stable results even under temperature stress conditions High sensitivity Great when working with low concentrated samples Remarkable stability at higher temperatures – reducing your CO₂ footprint by enabling worldwide ice-free shipping! HOT FIREPol® SolisGreen® qPCR Mix 2.0 and SOLIScript® 1-step SolisGreen® Kit 2.0 are solutions specially designed for real-time quantitative PCR and one-step RT-PCR (RT-qPCR) assays, respectively. These products contain all the necessary components, except sample (DNA/RNA template) and primers, to perform reactions with accurate and highly sensitive results. The products include a passive reference based on ROX dye making it compatible with both ROXdependent and ROX-independent qPCR cyclers. • Reliable: great amplification results even with low concentrations and low copy-number samples. • Easy to use: just add primers and samples and start the qPCR cycler, reducing training time and user error. • Environmentally friendly: the product contains a specially developed SolisGreen® dye that is environmentally friendly and safe to use. Additionally, the product is exceptionally stable enabling world-wide ice-free shipping! • Non-specific amplification prevention: HOT FIREPol® DNA Polymerase is activated by a 10 min incubation step at 95°C. This prevents the extension of non-specifically annealed primers and primer-dimers formed at low temperatures during qPCR setup. • Good reproducibility: high reproducibility is ensured with production of each batch, promoting consistent lot-to-lot results. Great PCR efficiency Reliable and easy-to-analyze results Figure 1. Amplification plot showcasing results of stability testing with HOT FIREPol® SolisGreen® qPCR Mix 2.0. Stability testing was carried out with TUBA8 target on four 10-fold dilutions (20 pg to 20 ng) of human gDNA using Quantstudio™ 6 Pro qPCR cycler (Applied Biosystems™). The results demonstrate great sensitivity and reproducibility with high fluorescence levels when tested for 2 weeks at 37°C (yellow), and 1 month at room temperature (25°C, red) in comparison of a product kept a
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Exceptional fluorescence levels even with low sample concentrations! Applications • Gene expression analysis and absolute quantification • Pathogen detection and quantification • Low-copy gene detection • Cell-free DNA analysis (HOT SolisGreen® qPCR Mix 2.0) Figure 2. HOT FIREPol® SolisGreen® qPCR Mix 2.0 (red) indicates approximately two times brighter fluorescence signal when compared to HOT FIREPol® EvaGreen® qPCR Supermix. B2M target was amplified in five 10-fold cDNA dilutions (0.01 ng to 0.1 µg) using Quantstudio™ 6 Flex qPCR cycler (Applied Biosystems™). Clients report Accurate...
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Product catalog 24/25
58 Pages
SolisFAST® qPCR range
2 Pages
SolisFAST® Probe qPCR Mix
2 Pages
SolisFAST® Master Mix
2 Pages
SOLIScript® 1-step Probe Kit
1 Pages