Catalog excerpts

SOLIS BIODYNE OÜ A: Teaduspargi 9, 50411 Tartu, Estonia E: info@solisbiodyne.com T: +372 7409 960 F: +372 7402 079 Isothermal amplification with ™ SoliSD Bsm DNA Polymerase Increased temperature tolerance with Stability TAG technology. Excellent performance with unique SoliSD™ Supplement system.
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An extremely stable SoliSD™ Bsm DNA Polymerase in a flexible kit format Faster than PCR Reliable results SoliSD™ Bsm DNA Polymerase sequence originates from the Bacillus smithii and includes a patented Stability TAG technology (Figure 1) [1]. This modification makes the enzyme exceptionally stable at elevated temperatures (Figure 2). Hence making transportation and shipment much cheaper and convenient with no need for a cold chain.* High-temperature stability ensures immense product quality, significantly reduced environmental impact, and facilitates logistics and handling. The main...
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Unique SoliSD™ Supplement system A • The common issue of isothermal amplification assay design is no template control (NTC) signal. We have developed a unique SoliSD™ Supplement system for temperature-dependent enzyme activation to resolve this problem (Figure 3). • An outstanding bonus of SoliSD™ Supplement system is minimizing variability between replicates, providing more consistent results. • SoliSD™ Supplement system enables reaction set-up at room temperature, with no need to deal with ice boxes, freeing up benchtop space, and resulting in fewer surfaces to clean and lower...
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Contamination prevention tips • Separate working space into the pre-amplification set-up, amplification, and post-amplification analysis areas. • Do not open reaction vessels following amplification, if applicable. • Use dUTPs and UNG in the reaction mix to reduce risk of carryover contamination. Two other great features of isothermal amplification is incredible speed and sensitivity. With SoliSD™ Bsm DNA Polymerase you can achieve reaction time to result from 3-4 minutes at a wide concentration range, between 100-109 cp/pl (Figure 4). [1] Kahre, O. et al., Compositions for increasing...
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Product catalog 24/25
58 Pages
SolisFAST® qPCR range
2 Pages
SolisFAST® Probe qPCR Mix
2 Pages
SolisFAST® Master Mix
2 Pages
SOLIScript® 1-step Probe Kit
1 Pages