Catalog excerpts

SOLIS BIODYNE OÜ E: info@solisbiodyne.com T: +372 7409 960 F: +372 7402 079 SolisFAST SolisGreen qPCR Mix ® Fast and highly sensitive dye-based qPCR Fast – delivers reproducible qPCR results up to 2x faster Accurate – reliable quantification across technical replicates Sensitive – consistent results with low- and high-copy targets Trustworthy – robust performance and 3 months stability at room temperature for extra convenience Use mixes to reduce set-up time even more. Add only primers, nuclease free water and DNA template. SolisFAST® SolisGreen® qPCR Mix is a 5x-concentrated solution optimized for fast, highly sensitive and reproducible dye-based qPCR assays. Combining novel in silicodesigned SolisFAST® DNA Polymerase with the Stability TAG [1][2][3], increased tolerance to inhibitors and fast hotstart, optimized buffer and the SolisGreen® dye, this qPCR Mix offers robust qPCR, accurate target detection, ice free shipping and reaction set-up. Results in 30 minutes! Figure 1. Thermal cycling protocol time saving. Duration of a qPCR run with standard thermal conditions using regular qPCR mix and fast thermal conditions using SolisFAST® SolisGreen® qPCR Mix (refer to Table 1 for program details). Standard qPCR reaction Fast / Ultra Fast qPCR reaction [1] Kahre, O., Artma, K., Kahre, T. (2015). European Patent No. 2501716 B1. [2] Kahre, O., Artma, K., Kahre, T. (2016). US Patent No. 9,321,999 B2. [3] Kahre, O., Artma, K., Kahre, T. (2017). South Korea Patent No. 10-1773636 B1.
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Ultra fast cycling without compromising on performance! Table 1. Examples of cycling conditions and run times with SolisFAST® SolisGreen® qPCR Mix on different qPCR cyclers: QuantStudio™ 6 Flex (Applied Biosystems), LightCycler® 480 (Roche), CFX96™ (Bio-Rad), Mic (Bio Molecular Systems). qPCR cycler (Bio Molecular Systems). Ultra Fast Ultra Fast Cycling mode * Typical fast cycling program compatible with a wide range of qPCR cyclers. Accurate and sensitive qPCR! 0.18 Normalized Fluorescence Figure 2. Amplification of a 75 bp fragment of B2M gene using five tenfold dilutions of human cDNA...
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Product catalog 24/25
58 Pages
SolisFAST® qPCR range
2 Pages
SolisFAST® Probe qPCR Mix
2 Pages
SolisFAST® Master Mix
2 Pages
SOLIScript® 1-step Probe Kit
1 Pages