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CS 1-SM - 1

Czech Ministry of Health Free Sale Certificate (FSC) Cryosprays SMT CS 1-SM are designed for effective treatment of a wide range of skin lesions: Common verruca, seborrhoic veruca, actinic keratosis, papilloma, lentiga and other common lesions, inclusive haemorrhoids. This is the coldest (-196°C/-320F), the most effective, the most universal and accessible cryosurgical method. Easy and rapid. 3 to 30 seconds is sufficient for majority of operations. It is more effective and much more safe for patients than liquid nitrogen applied with swab. In contrast to scalpel surgery or electrosurgery: No or minimal pain, no blood, no offensive odour, usually no anesthesia, no bandages, no assistant needed, no medical waste. Excellent cosmetic effect. None or minimum scarring. Cryospray SMT CS 1-SM je urcen na efektivni leceni siroke skaly koznich lezi: Bezne veruky, seborhoicke veruky, aktinicke keratomy, papilomy, lentiga, basaliomy a dalsf bezne koznf leze. Krome toho Ize s vyhodou pouzft i na chirurgicke zakroky, napffklad na hemeroidy. Jedna se o nejchladnejsi -196°C, a tedy o nejucinnejsi a nejuniverzalnejsi dostupnou kryochirurgickou metodu. Aplikace je jednoducha a rychla - pro vetsinu zakroku postacf 3-30 sekund. Mnohem ucinnejsi nez dusik aplikovany ,,stetickami". Na rozdil od chirurgie skalpelem nebo elektrochirurgie: Zadna nebo minimalni bolest, zadny zapach, nekrvavy zakrok, neni treba obvaz nebo bandaz, vetsinou neni tfeba anestezie, neni treba sestry pro asistenci, zadny medicmsky odpad, vyborny kosmeticky efekt, minimalni nebo zadna jizva. TECHNICAL PARAMETERS TECHNICKE PARAMETRY liquid nitrogen ( Chladici medium Objem nadoby Pracovm tlak Special Medical Technology

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