STAGO 2015


Catalog excerpts

STAGO 2015 - 1

Haemostasis Catalogue

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STAGO 2015 - 4

Fibrin Formation & Degradation 31

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STAGO 2015 - 5

The information contained in this catalogue is not contractual This catalogue is not intended for use in the USA and Canada.

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STAGO 2015 - 6

This catalogue contains information on products which is targeted to a wide range of audiences and could contain product details or information otherwise not accessible or valid in your country.

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STAGO 2015 - 7

Second member of the Max generator!. STA R Max* is an analyser designed for htgh volume laboratories innovate and scalable, tt adapts to all lab organisations, connected to an automation track system or not; and brings productivity and reliability to laboratones for their routine and specialised Haemostasis assays. • Highest loading capacities (215 samples. 70 reagent positions, 1000 cuvettes on board), true STAT management, autovemlcation capabilities, ready to operate 24/7 3valob>tity and no time • Ergonomic design, intuitive user interlace, Coag expert rules avaiaNe on demand, extended...

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STAGO 2015 - 8

First member ol me Max generation, the STA Compact Max* S a bench top analyser, designed (or mid-volume throughput laboratories and suitable for use m routine & specialty Haemostasis The workstation and on-board expertise enhance efficiency and productivity of the tab and allow a seamless • Graphical user interface specifically designed for intuitive use of the high-resolution touch screen • Atkftionai expert module, autoverificauon rules, automate managemeniof dBudorts, reruns, reflex testing and add-ons. advanced quality control module. muRt-ddution management for factor...

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STAGO 2015 - 9

STA-R Evolution® Expert Series System STA-R Evolution" Expert Series combines performance. Stand-alone or connected lo an automated robotic line, it features the latest technological Innovations. • Software integrating more flexiMity and user-fnendfcness with dedicated accreditation and certification features (complete and secure tfoccabiWy file and different, data export formats) • Optimal sample management (high workflow, continuous loading ani unloading procedures. large on-boaro capacity, cooled sample area. ) • Most flexible solution to interface coagulation with automated robotic...

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STAGO 2015 - 10

STA Compact" USB is a fufly automated, bencfitop. Haemostesfs analyse performing dolling, chromogenic and immunological assays in a random access mode, designed for mid-volume throughput laboratories • Proven platform with extended presence worldwide Supplied with: • Extended loading capacities . True STAT management 91 access0'» P** • Optimal security with the optional cap piercing device *'17"LCD 8CTeen • Viscosity-Based (MecJianical) Detection System immediate delivery of accurate and preose results (or any type of coloured plasma assays, maximum precision (oi weak clot detection and...

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STAGO 2015 - 11

STA Satellite* USB is a fully automated. Haemostasia analyser perfwming dotting chrornogenlc and Immunologkat assays STA Satellite* US8 offers complete automation to low-medlun coagulation laboratory combined with high walk-away capablity Thanks to its technological innovations. STA Satellite" USB ensures a high reliability level as well as ease of use, flexibility and complete security, all within a reduced footpnnt • Excellent reproducibility and sampling reliability thanks to Staqo Double Resolution Dilutee (DRD) • Positive barcode identification of samples and reagents • High...

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STAGO 2015 - 12

Inhented from the STarT family, semi-automated coagulation analyser, the STart" 4 is designed with 4 measuring channels lo perform all clotting tests Sold in more than 100 countries wort wide at more than 10003 units, the STarT 4 has proven ils reliability Simple and easy lo use. it offers an excellent reliability • All-mtegrated system: pnnter, etectronicafty-lmked p-pe'to. LCD screen and keyboard • E3sy to use: pre programmed applications, calibration curve storage, management of Quality Control and reagents tot numbers • Viscosity-Based (Mechanical) Detection System immediate delivery of...

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STAGO 2015 - 13

STA Coag Connexion® System STA Coag Connexion" is a specialised module for managing and supervising the coagulation bench Specifically adapted to haemostasia, STA Coag Connexion*is a valuable decision support tool which can be configured according to your needs.

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STAGO 2015 - 14

Calibrated Automated Thrombrogram ts a comprehensive system to measure Thrombin Generation based on fluorescence accotding to the Hemker & al method. {Research product) CAT system allows the use ot PPP or PRP samples As a gkbal assay, Thrombin Generation reflects the balance between all procoagulant and anticoagulant substances. It is an excellent solution tor laboratories to obtain picture of coagulation - sensitive to any (combination of) drug • sensitive to any (combination of) haemostasis disorder - valuable aid in the development of new antithrombotic or haemostasis drug • The...

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STAGO 2015 - 16

This catalogue contains information on products which is targeted lo a wide range of audiences and could contain product details or information otherwise not accessible or valid in your country.

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STAGO 2015 - 17

There's routine... and then there's Routine With Stago, discover an outstanding Routine range i.HUe Ihtftu

Open the catalog to page 17
STAGO 2015 - 19

Prothrombin Time The prolhrombm time is a coagulation screening (esl It measures. as a whole, the activity of the coagulation factors II. V, VII. X and I. A prolonged PT has been observed in the following clinical states: - congenital or acquired deficiencies of factor II, V. VII. X or fibrinogen - liver failure (cirrhosis, hepatitis) - treatments with vitamin K antagonists - hypovrtaminosis K: nutntional intake deficiency, disorders in absorption or metabolism of vitamin K (hemorrhagic disease of the newborn, cholestasis. Ireatment with antibiotics) The PT is commonly used for monitoring...

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STAGO 2015 - 20

The activated partial thromboplastin lime (APTT) ■& a general coagulation screening test of the coagulation (actors XII, XI. IX, VIII. A prolongation of the APTT is encountered in the following situations. - congenital deficiencies - acquired deficiencies and abnormal conditions Automated tuagonts Product Description Determination of Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) Determination of Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) (kaolin activator) Determination of Activated Parbal Thromboplastin Time (APTT) (liquid reagent) Determination of Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time...

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