Catalog excerpts

PSD-85 Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilizer Sterilization in Austere Environments The Sterilucent™ PSD-85 Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilizer (PSD-85) was specifically designed to meet the requirements of military combat support hospitals (CSH). The PSD-85 sterilizer is the latest innovation in sterilization and represents significant advancement over steam sterilization. The ruggedized PSD-85 travels, without damage, by any means necessary. Operational within hours of arrival, the PSD-85 system is a low-temperature technology engineered to sterilize a broader range of materials, devices and instruments. Many temperature- and moisture-sensitive items, that cannot be steam sterilized, can be processed in the PSD-85 system. The sterilizer’s peak power demand is similar to a hand-held hair dryer – only 1650 watts. PSD-85 Benefits • Safely transportable • Quickly ready for use after deployment and operation verification • Faster cycle time increases surgical productivity • Complete, validated sterility assurance and accessory products • Compatible with more temperature- and moisture-sensitive devices • Saves energy
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PSD-85 Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilizer The PSD-85 sterilant concentration monitoring technology maintains the concentration of sterilant in the chamber above a predetermined minimum level required for the load. This feature provides an additional level of sterility assurance. Each cycle is verified with a cycle-specific process challenge device (PCD), which is designed to emulate the most difficult to sterilize item in each preprogrammed cycle. Together, the sterilant concentration monitor and cycle-specific PCDs provide an unmatched level of sterilizer performance assurance. PSD-85...
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