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MediClean EZ
1 / 2Pages

Catalog excerpts

MediClean EZ - 1

For advanced enzymatic cleaning, get MediClean EZ™ Endoscope reprocessing the way it should be™

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MediClean EZ - 2

Multi-enzymatic detergent with advanced proteolytic cleaning action MediClean EZ™ Detergent… • Provides fast enzymatic removal of blood, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mucopolysaccharides and lipids Meets endoscope manufacturers’ criteria for endoscope detergents Low foaming, neutral pH, medical grade detergent Cost-effective, concentrated formula reduces per-use cost Green tint for easy identification of dispensed detergent Easy to use with a wide range of applications… Formulated for cleaning surgical instruments, immersible endoscopes, medical devices and accessories Supplied ready to...

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