AMi-2 Digital interface
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AMi-2 Digital interface - 1

Part number: 60064 March 2017 Overview The AMi-2 Digital interface has twelve general purpose ports that can be independently configured to connect to a wide range of equipment typically found in behavioural labs, including: levers, photobeams, running wheels, shockers, pellet dispensers, cue lights, etc. Ports • Twelve independent ports, paired across six connectors. • Ports can be configured as: Switch input, TTL output, TTL input, Photobeam input, Rotary encoder input, Photobeam array input. • Photobeam input, Photobeam array input and Rotary encoder input configurations use a pair of ports. • Pluggable, screw terminal blocks used for easy connection. Switch input • Connect directly to any simple on/off switch. • Can detect switch closures such as lever presses, step down from a platform, etc. • Switches are read at 10kHz and are automatically debounced. TTL output • TTL outputs can directly drive LEDs, such as the AMi-2 cue-lights (pictured below), which are available in a range of colours and sizes. • Can be used to control pellet dispensers and shockers that have TTL inputs. • Can be used to synchronise ANY-maze with other systems, such as electrophysiology rigs. • Outputs can be updated at a maximum frequency of 200Hz.

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AMi-2 Digital interface - 2

Part number: 60064 March 2017 TTL input • Can be used to read data from equipment with TTL outputs. • Can be used to synchronise timing between ANY-maze and other systems. • Inputs read at 10kHz. Photobeam input • Connect directly to the AMi-2 infrared photobeams (pictured below). • Can connect to other phototransistor-based photobeams. • Photobeams can be used to detect nose pokes, the animal leaving a start box, progress down a corridor, etc. • AMi-2 photobeams work at up to 150cm separation. • Photobeams are read at 150Hz. Rotary encoder input • Rotary encoders detect rotations of an...

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AMi-2 Digital interface - 3

Part number: 60064 March 2017 Technical specification Connection to PC and power Connection type Data isolation Connection indication Power USB powered: Maximum current drawn from USB USB power isolation Externally powered: Input voltage Input current Connector Channels Number of channels Number of connectors Connector Channels can be independently configured as Pairs of channels can be configured as Switch input Read frequency Default debounce interval Pull-up resistor TTL input Type Read frequency TTL Output Type Maximum update frequency Output current source/sink Output series resistor...

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AMi-2 Digital interface - 4

Photobeam array input Channels Compatibility Read frequency Current used by AMi-2 photobeam array Output power Availability Voltage Maximum current at each connector: AMi-2 Digital interface is USB powered AMi-2 Digital interface is externally powered Maximum total current across all connectors: AMi-2 Digital interface is USB powered AMi-2 Digital interface is externally powered Short circuit protection Uses the pair of channels on a single connector Only compatible with AMi-2 photobeam array 25Hz 25mA Available on pin 2 of each connector (note 3) 5V 300mA (note 4) 900mA (note 4) 300mA...

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