Catalog excerpts

Tel: +353 1 524 2200 email: anymaze@stoeltingeurope.com web: www.any-maze.com.com Today’s most advanced video tracking system! Trusted by thousands of researchers around the world, ANY-maze couples an unrivalled depth of features with a simple, familiar design, to provide automated testing in virtually any behavioural test. The key elements of ANY-maze Here is an insight into the system’s power, flexibility, and ease of use 1) Powerful tracking Use literally any maze Zones: Draw shapes to divide your apparatus into areas, then combine areas to create any number of zones Sequences: Define sequences to detect movements between areas or zones Immobility and freezing: Automatically detect immobility and freezing, perfect for fear conditioning Track with precision Whole animal: Use whole-animal tracking to precisely detect arm entries. Three-point tracking: Track the head, centre, and base of the tail to provide both location and orientation. Accuracy: Track accurately, even in poor light or low contrast, without setting any obscure parameters. Last revised: 5 July 2021
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2) Class-leading flexibility Connect to almost anything Acquire: Use purpose-built ANY-maze interfaces to acquire data from levers, photobeams, sensors, running wheels… Control: Also control speakers, pellet dispensers, optogenetic lasers, syringe pumps, shockers, lights… Adjust: Change shock intensity, alter tone frequency, set a laser’s duty cycle… even while a test is being performed. Easily design complex tests Automate: Use procedures, built from a few easily understood statements, to automate your tests. Straightforward: Procedures can be simple – for example ending the test if...
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4) Comprehensive analysis Access hundreds of measures Extensive: Results are available for the whole apparatus and for each zone, point, sequence, behaviour, input, and output. Per zone: Results are analysed for the entire apparatus and for each defined zone. Across time: Results are reported for the duration of the test, for equal length time-bins, and for any specific periods. Visualise and analyse results Visualise: Visualise test results using track plots, heat maps and charts. Analyse: Analyse between treatments, strains, genders, trials, etc, using over 30 built-in parametric,...
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Equipment We not only supply today’s most advanced video tracking software, but we can also provide a wealth of behavioural testing equipment including cameras, computers, interfaces, mazes, and specialist test apparatus specifically designed for use with ANY-maze. For more information on pricing and the capabilities of the software, you can contact us through our web form: https://www.any-maze.com/contact/ Or email us directly at anymaze@stoeltingeurope.com We look forward to being able to assist you! Last revised: 5 July 2021
Open the catalog to page 4All Stoelting Europe catalogs and technical brochures
Stoelting Catalog
164 Pages
The ANY-maze USB TTL cable
1 Pages
The AMi-2 Photobeams
1 Pages
The AMi-2 Cue lights
2 Pages
The AMi-2 Rotary encoder
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The ANY-maze camera mount
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The ANY-maze USB hub
1 Pages
The ANY-maze animal scales
2 Pages
ANY-maze animal shocker
1 Pages
AMi-2 Audio interface
1 Pages
AMi-2 Touch switch interface
2 Pages
AMi-2 Digital interface
4 Pages
AMi-2 Optogenetic interface
2 Pages