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DEMONSTRATION & TRAINING RESOURCE The VT1000 Resuscitation Training Kit is designed to illustrate the effect excessive delivered pressure has on a patient during resuscitation. Pressures > 20 cm H2O open the esophageal sphincter, forcing air into the stomach creating distention and gastric insufflation leading to aspiration and associated pneumonia. Ventlab brand manual resuscitators feature an integrated color-coded pressure manometer. This product innovation effectively promotes proper pressure delivery to reduce gastric insufflations. Different colored fields alert to the risk level of delivered pressure. This gauge can help prevent vomiting, subsequent aspiration and costs associated with treating pneumonia. Clinicians, students and product representatives alike can benefit from using the VT1000 to learn about and demonstrate pressure delivery, while increasing their confidence performing manual resuscitation using Ventlab brand resuscitators. The VT1000 Training Kit and its individual components are NOT intended for patient use; it is strictly a demonstration device and practice tool. TRAINING KIT COMPONENT LIST ADULT AIRFLOW RESUSCITATION SYSTEM Adult PVC Bag (1900 mL) Adult Airflow Mask Patient Valve with Integrated Pressure Manometer BF102 Filter (19 ID x 30 OD) SMALL ADULT AIRFLOW RESUSCITATION SYSTEM Small Adult PVC Bag (100 mL) Small Adult Airflow Mask Patient Valve with Integrated Pressure Manometer BF102 Filter (19 ID x 30 OD) DEMONSTRATION MODEL 6” Flex Neck Corrugated Tubing CPAP Valve Bifurcated WYE Test Lung (2 L Hyperinflation Bag, Plastic Jacket, Connector, Rubber Band) Stomach Model (Inflatable Bag) 22 mm OD x 22 mm ID Connector (2) 20 mm ID x 22 mm ID Connector 22 mm ID x 22 mm OD Connector SUPPORT AND REFERENCE MATERIALS Manometer Benefits DVD Manometer Reference Articles, Binder Duffel Bag If your training kit does not include all of these components, please contact us at 1-800-433-2797.

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VT1000 RESUSCITATION TRAINING KIT INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE 1. The VT1000 Resuscitation Training Kit includes a model that represents: TRAINING MODEL A. The lung B. The stomach C. The esophageal sphincter D. The airway Because the esophageal sphincter naturally opens at 20 cm H2O, the esophageal sphincter model is designed to open at this same pressure rate. 2. A resuscitation bag attaches to the VT1000 and allows ventilation of the model. If pressures are kept below 20 cm H2O, all the air passing through the bag will go to the lung and only lung expansion will occur. 3. When delivered pressures...

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