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Catalog excerpts

LIDS - 1

Could your business benefit from up to 40% reduction in wastage? LID can provide... • Lower capital investment • ubstantial operational S cost savings • ptimised inventory levels O • inimised production M downtime Versatile and flexible, LID incorporates many unique features making it ideal for the automotive and industrial markets. Combined with our powerful SPS inventory management software, the LID offers the most comprehensive inventory management solution available in the market today. Inventory control module TOUCH SCREEN TECHNOLOGY Choose from the standard 15” capacitive touchscreen with separate PC enclosure, All-in-One 15.6” touchscreen PC or a compact 10” touchscreen laptop. Standard LID drawers and lower cost LCL drawers can be mixed with ECTC drawers in a single cabinet. In addition different LID compartment sizes can be combined within a drawer to accommodate a range of items/ pack sizes. With a choice of compartment modules, advanced and low cost, the LID cabinet can provide an optimised solution that combines cost, efficiency and functionality within one cabinet. The unique SPS software provides a complete audit trail on who, when, where and why about the usage on any item within the system. Simple solutions, technical

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LIDS - 2

The LID is a complete user configurable solution to parts management. Available in 6 different cabinet sizes the LID can be configured to provide up to 432 secure locations in one cabinet RECONFIGURABLE The LID cabinet can be easily and quickly reconfigured to meet the changing requirements of the user. Thanks to the highly versatile design, LID allows reconfiguration from a single channel to a complete drawer or should the need demand, an entire cabinet. UNIQUE MANUAL OVERRIDE FACILITY In an ideal world a manual override would never be needed, but if required the advanced override...

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All Supply Point Systems Ltd. catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Mobile Cart

    2 Pages

  2. Lockers

    2 Pages

  3. ECTC

    2 Pages

  4. MiScan

    2 Pages

  5. SupplyLocker

    2 Pages

  6. RotoPoint

    2 Pages

  7. Modulo

    2 Pages