Surgtech PLIF Interbody Fusion System


Catalog excerpts

Surgtech PLIF Interbody Fusion System - 1

Interbody System

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Surgtech PLIF Interbody Fusion System - 2

Indications "The SurgTech Interbody System is indicated for use with autogenous bone graft in skeletally mature patients with degenerative disc disease (DDD) at one or two contiguous levels from L2 to SI. DDD is defined as discogenic back pain with degeneration of the disc confirmed by history and radiographic studies. These patients should have had six months of non-operative treatment. These patients may have had a previous non-fusion spinal surgery and may also have up to Grade 1 spondylolisthesis or retrolisthesis at the involved spinal level(s). These devices are intended to be used...

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Surgtech PLIF Interbody Fusion System - 3

1. Bullet Nose Design The bullet nose of the PLIF is ergonomically designed for the ease of insertion, which allows the implants to be inserted into disc with small clearances, while minimizing damage to endplate. 2. Axial Canal Design The large axial open architecture is designed to accommodates autogenous bone graft to allow fusion to occur through the spacer 3. Optimal Positioning "The implant has two radiographic marker pins at opposing corners of the implant, which provides an easy means of identifying implant position and orientation onradiographic images." 4....

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Surgtech PLIF Interbody Fusion System - 4

5. Ergonomically designed Instrumentations "The instrumentation system offers a variety of options for sizing, decompression and manuverability. The PLIF inserter was specifically designed with match the implant and has proven strength under impaction." 6. Adaptive Sizing The SurgTech Interbody System offers 2 different footprints at 0 degree and 4 degree lordosis. The height of implant ranges from 9-18mm in 1mm increments. As a result the system comprised of 80 implants available in a single set, , enabling precise anatomic height and lordotic restoration in a variety of patient populations

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