Catalog excerpts

SWISS PRECISION AND RELIABILITY If a dental unit is Swident branded, you can rest assured. It’s a sure sign it’s as reliable, safe and precise as a watch. From design to assembly, from the choice of materials to quality control, every stage is carefully monitored to construct the perfect mechanism. It is Swiss, so you can trust it. PRECIS, FIABLE, VRAIMENT SUISSE. PRECISO, AFFIDABILE, PROPRIO SVIZZERO Si un équipement dentaire porte la marque Swident, vous pouvez être tranquille. Cela veut dire qu’il s’agit d’une machine fiable, sûre, précise comme une montre suisse. De la conception à...
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NUOVO PARTNER EVO: THE BEST TECHNOLOGY AT YOUR SERVICE Partner Evo is the new dental unit from Swident. It encapsulates all the values on which the company has built its success: reliability, innovation, design, safety and high performance. With Partner Evo everything can be customised. Using the touch controls, you can manage and view the power and speed of the high-performing instruments, use pre-set programmes or create new ones. A new generation dental unit with great attention to detail and quality of dental treatment. DER NEUE PARTNER EVO: DIE BESTE TECHNOLOGIE ZU IHREN...
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CUSTOMISE IT ALL The speed of rotary instruments, micromotor torque, the power of instruments such as the scaler, type of spray, pedal function. All of Partner Evo's parameters can be customised - you decide whether to use the default programmes or create your own. Like a made to measure suit. Can be configured with hanging hores. Configurable aussi avec les cordons pendants. Configurable anche con cordoni pendenti. Konfigurierbar auch mit hangenden schauchen. Configurable tambien con mangueras colgantes. QUALITY UNDER CONTROL With Partner Evo, nothing is left to chance. The exceptional...
Open the catalog to page 5
KEYWORD: OPTIMISE Partner Evo is the perfect partner for your work. It cuts energy wastage to a minimum. It optimises movements. Its multifunctional island allows you to work fantastically on your own or with an assistant. It is intuitive and efficient in any movement. MOT D'ORDRE: OPTIMISER Partner Evo est le partenaire parfait pour votre travail. Il reduit au minimum la depense d'energie. Il optimise les mouvements. Il vous permet de travailler parfaitement seul ou avec l'assistante grace a l'Tlot multifonctions. Il est intuitif et efficace a tout moment. PAROLA D'ORDINE:...
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L'ERE DE L ERGONOMIE Le patient est confortablement installe et detendu. Le travail est plus facile, le stress a disparu. Avec Partner Evo, une nouvelle ere commence. Sellerie memoire de forme garantit un soutien ergonomique approprie, les accoudoirs assurent un excellent confort, la tetiere Bios permet de positionner correctement la tete du patient. LERA DELL’ ERGONOMIA Il paziente e comodo e rilassato. Lavorare e piu semplice, lo stress e scomparso. Con Partner Evo si apre una nuova era. L'imbottitura chirurgica garantisce un corretto sostegno anatomico, i braccioli favoriscono un...
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SAFETY TOTAL Two high-tech devices ensure a safe hydraulic system: - MOLECULAR ULTRAFILTRATION SYSTEM: a medical device that totally blocks viruses and bacteria at the dental unit's water circuit inlet by treating the mains water. It is also an excellent barrier against all micro-impurities in water, protecting all instrument sprays and valves from possible occlusions. - SAFESPRAY: an independent supply system, comprising a pressurised container that enables the use of distilled water for all hanger bar instrument sprays and assistant's syringe and enables the ducts to be disinfected...
Open the catalog to page 9
Everything will be clear. And simple. A Swident lamp provides uniform lighting over the entire treatment area. Cool white light with a constant colour temperature. Ideal conditions for a great day at work. A PEDAL IS ALL YOU NEED Controlling Partner Evo is a cinch. Using just the pedal, you can control the instruments, chair, lamp and other auxiliary functions. Leaving you free to focus on your work, without having to use manual controls and eliminating the risk of cross-infection. Available wireless or wired. Tout sera clair. Et simple. Une lampe Swident s'allume, et l’eclairage est...
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PARTNER EVO SPRIDO TECHNICAL DRAWING PARTNER EVO CP TECHNICAL DRAWING PARTNER EVO TECHNICAL SHEET DESSIN TECHNIQUE - DISEGNO TECNICO TECHNISCHE ZEICHNUNG - DIBUJO TÉCNICO DESSIN TECHNIQUE - DISEGNO TECNICO TECHNISCHE ZEICHNUNG - DIBUJO TÉCNICO FICHE TECHNIQUE - SCHEDA TECNICA TECHNISCHE DATENKARTE - FICHA TÉCNICA DENTIST ELEMENT Graphic console for complete control of all parameters Turbine presetting Scaler Satelec Satelec Mini led curing light Peristaltic pump Single tray holder Double tray holder Transthoracic single tray holder Transthoracic double tray holder Detachable suction tubes...
Open the catalog to page 12
SW SWIDENT SA Via G. Cattori, 3 6902 Paradiso Lugano Switzerland SWIDENT SRL Via Cicogna, 34/A 40068 S. Lazzaro di Savena (BO), Italy Tel. +39 051 6258657 i nfo@swid ent.i t www.swident.it
Open the catalog to page 13All SWIDENT catalogs and technical brochures
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Gallery 2010
6 Pages
Company Profile
10 Pages
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One Vision
12 Pages
Friend plus
20 Pages
24 Pages
2 Pages