Catalog excerpts

SYKAM Amino Acid Analyzer
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Automatic Amino Acid Analyzer S 433 The innovative automatic Amino Acid Analyzer S 433 combines the advantages of the classical ion exchange separation method with the modern technique of high performance liquid chromatography. The complete package of sophisticated instrumentation, a wide variety of prepacked and tested separation columns, combined with optimized ready-to-use buffer solutions and chemicals, creates the right answer for any routine or research problem in amino acid determination. More than 30 years experience in developing and operating sophisticated amino acid analyzers...
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N2 I nert G as Separati on C olum n Photometer D rain R eagent Pum p B uffer A B uffer B B uffer C regenerati on Soluti on Vari able Volume I njecti on Flow Diagram S 433 Tungsten Lamp Splitting Mirror Working principle of photometer 570 nm Sensor High-Temperature Reactor with a programmable temperature range from ambient to 180°C with a coiled capillary for the color reaction of the amino acid-ninhydrine complex. Automatic flushing of the reactor coil with a washing solution after each run prevents the blockage of the capillary. for the amino acid detection at 440 nm and 570 nm...
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Modular System Design The modular system design of the S 433 enables the budget-minded buyer to use several components as parts for a standard HPLC system without further costs. Another solution is our low-cost Amino Acid Analyzer S 430 with manual injection valve and ambi- Sample Racks for up to 120 samples Exchangeable Dosing Syringe ent temperature reagent organizer, consisting of the same Amino Acid Reaction Module and Quaternary Gradient Pump as the S 433. Exchangeable Sample Loop made of PEEK n Autosampler - only inert materials come in con tact with buffer solutions & samples (except...
Open the catalog to page 4
n Consumables - eady made buffer solutions r (each lot tested individually) - eparation columns for a variety of s applications with long term stability - ready made Ninhydrine solution - a variety of standard solutions n Reagent Organizer - nert gas (N2) supply with i adjustable pressure to prevent buffer/reagent oxidation and contamination - integrated cooling n Amino Acid Reaction Module - only inert materials come in contact with buffer solutions & samples - integrated 2-plunger reagent dosing pump with a flow rate from 0.01 to 2.0 ml/min - programmable reactor temperature - integrated...
Open the catalog to page 5
Intuitive Software Control Controlling the complex features of the S 433 is made easy and intuitive by the latest software tech- nology. All status parameters are displayed on one screen. Further details like the gradient programsteps or column oven temperatures can be displayed as separated tables. The use of an intuitive screen layout helps new users to start working with this software faster than ever before. - Complete control of Gradient Program, Column & Reactor - Programmable Sample Sequence with individual run times, gradient and temperature profiles - Automatic usage control of...
Open the catalog to page 6
High Precision & Reproducibility change all important parameters to fit the desired application from protein hydrolysates, physiological fluids to sugar analysis and biogene amines. The Amino Acid Analyzer's innovative design leads to both, a high sensitivity and a high degree of reproducibility. Every single instrument of the system is optimized in its role to provide the best achievable results. The flexible design of each instrument allows the user to Linearity Level Gradient System Accuracy Flexibility does not lead to inaccuracy. The use of the S 2100 Solvent Delivery System leads to...
Open the catalog to page 7
The S 433 system includes an autosampler with cooled sample storage and partial loop fill technique without sample loss, as well as a 2-plunger buffer pump, a dual beam photometer, a column oven with active cooling capabilities, a Ninhydrine pump, a 4-channel vacuum degasser and a refrigerated reagent organizer with integrated inert gas application system. T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C AT I O N n Refrigerated Reagent Organizer S 7130 n Amino Acid Reaction Module for storing all reagents, buffers and wash solutions. - front side operated - special valves for applying inert gas for...
Open the catalog to page 8All Sykam catalogs and technical brochures
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