Catalog excerpts

XN-1000 Pure * Highest quality, even for low sample throughputs * NRBC for every blood cell count * Up to 100 samples/h in sampler operation * Networking and remote services capabilities * Optional capability: automated measurement of reticulocytes and automated measurement of body fluids XN-1000 Pure Now laboratories with lower needs can afford XN-technology and ensure precise determination of the NRBC, even at the lowest concentrations. The XN-1000 Pure is available in the following configurations: * XN-1000 [DIFF] – for measuring the complete blood count incl. NRBC and differential blood count incl. IG * XN-1000 [RET] – for measuring the complete blood count incl. NRBC, differential blood count and reticulocytes (incl. PLT-O) Optionally, the XN-1000 Pure can be configured with the XN-BF application for measuring body fluids. XN-1000 Pure specifications Measurement principles WBC DIFF/RET: Fluorescence Flow Cytometry RBC/PLT: Hydrodynamically focussed impedance HGB: Cyanide-free SLS haemoglobin Aspiration volume 88 µL in whole blood (WB) mode and body fluid (BF) mode Throughput Up to 100 samples/hour Quality control material XN Check (three levels) and XN Check BF (two levels) Parameters XN-CBC (always with NRBC) & XN-DIFF (always with IG) Whole Blood WBC, NRBC%, NRBC#, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, PLT, RDW-SD, RDW-CV, MicroR%, MacroR%, PDW, MPV, Sysmex Europe GmbH, Bornbarch 1, 22848 Norderstedt, Germany, Phone: +49 (40) 527 26 0, Fax: +49 (40) 527 26 100, www.sysmexeurope.com
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P-LCR, PCT, NEUT%, NEUT#, LYMPH%, LYMPH#, MONO%, MONO#, EO%, EO#, BASO%, BASO#, IG%, IG# With RET (optional) RET%, RET#, IRF, LFR, MFR, HFR, RET-He, RBC-He, Delta-He, HYPO-He%, HYPER-He%, PLT-O Body Fluids with XN-BF WBC-BF, RBC-BF, MN%, MN#, PMN%, PMN#, TC-BF# (optional) Configurations XN-1000 [DIFF] Pure XN-1000 [RET] Pure Contact Sysmex Europe GmbH +49(40)527 26 0 +49(40)527 26 100 info@sysmex-europe.com Bornbarch 1 22848 Norderstedt Germany https://www.sysmex-europe.com/products/xn-1000-pure-2890.html
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