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Catalog excerpts

XT_4000i - 1

Pushing limits in routine laboratory haematology with the XT-4000i Sysmex Xtra Online | December 2013 With the launch of the XE-5000, Sysmex set new standards in haematology. Advanced clinical parameters that have been tested for effectiveness in clinical studies, embedded in a concept that combines laboratory data with clinical knowledge, offer both the laboratory physician and the clinician valuable support with different patient cases and in therapy monitoring. On top of this, the analyser features a special mode, which measures body fluids to convincing specifications. While the XE-5000 is designed mainly for the top end market segment, the XT-4000i provides a worthy alternative for a variety of laboratories that have set high standards for haematological diagnostics. The concept of the XT-4000i Fig. 2 Measuring body fluids using the XT-4000i with its surpasses expectations for routine laborintegrated body fluid mode atory use – besides the differential blood count in proven X-Class quality, the XT-4000i also offers further analytical possibilities in terms of both the sample material and the analytical parameters. The XT-4000i can be intelligently linked to the established Extended IPU (Extended information-processing unit) and expanded with components for digital morphology. This makes it part of an efficient solution that combines the users’ and Sysmex’s expert knowledge to standardise very effectively the analytics of the complete work area. New standards in the automated analysis of body fluids Measuring certain body fluids is playing an increasing role for a large number of laboratories. An example for this is the analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which is important for diagnosing diseases of the central nervous system, e. g. multi

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XT_4000i - 2

SysmexXtra Online | December 2013 | 6 pages Pushing limits in routine laboratory haematology with the XT-4000i sclerosis, benign and malignant tumours, hereditary diseases, or meningitis. An exact determination of the cell count, and frequently a morphological differentiation as well, is necessary in order to diagnose various diseases. The analytical challenge lies, of course, in the physiologically low cell concentration in the CSF sample. In addition to this, laboratories are faced with great difficulties due to the short lifespan of the samples with regard to the time of day or night...

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XT_4000i - 3

SysmexXtra Online | December 2013 | 6 pages Pushing limits in routine laboratory haematology with the XT-4000i However, what matters for a laboratory's efficiency is not just the quality of the analysis technology and its results, but also the optimisation of the corresponding processes. A high level of standardisation sets the preconditions for fast and reliable results at anytime of the day. By embedding automation processes in an intelligent validation system, Sysmex has shown how laboratories with very different sample throughputs and requirement profiles can clearly increase their...

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XT_4000i - 4

Sysmex Xtra Online | December 2013 | 6 pages Pushing limits in routine laboratory haematology with the XT-4000i This approach has now been carried forward to the analysis of body fluids. Special new rules for measuring body fluids in the Extended IPU can standardise the workflow to a great extent, and can supply valuable information directing attention to conspicuous results. In the comprehensive laboratory solution, the automated image analysis of body fluids by CellaVision® DM1200 sets high standards for the laboratory routine. Advanced clinical parameters make a valuable contribution to...

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XT_4000i - 5

Sysmex Xtra Online | December 2013 | 6 pages Pushing limits in routine laboratory haematology with the XT-4000i This provides important information for the patient-specific prognosis. XT-4000i offers the IG count in a fully automated way and determines the sum of myelocytes, promyelocytes and metamyelocytes with low imprecision, which is particularly important with the absolute count value. Compared to routine 100-cell differentiation, up to 8,000 white blood cells are analysed from normal patient samples; in the case of intensive care patients, usually with higher WBC concentrations, this...

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XT_4000i - 6

Sysmex Xtra Online | December 2013 | 6 pages Pushing limits in routine laboratory haematology with the XT-4000i References [1] uusze R et al. (2009): Protocol for transfusion-free major orthopedic operations using RET-He . M SJI Vol 19 No 1. [2] imenti C et al. (2012): The predictive value of immature granulocyte count and immature myeloid information C in the diagnosis of neonatal sepsis. Clin Chem Lab Med 50: 1429 – 1432. http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/cclm.2012.50.issue-8/cclm-2011-0656/cclm-2011-0656.xml [3] ierhaus A et al. (2013): Revisiting the white blood cell count: immature...

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All Sysmex Europe catalogs and technical brochures

  1. UD-10

    3 Pages

  2. XT-4000i

    3 Pages

  3. XN-1000 Pure

    2 Pages

  4. XN-3000

    2 Pages

  5. XN-2000

    2 Pages

  6. DigniLife

    2 Pages

  7. XN-550

    2 Pages

  8. XN-1000

    2 Pages

  9. pocH-100i

    3 Pages

  10. DI-60

    2 Pages

  11. XN-9000

    1 Pages