Tcoag Haemostasis Catalogue
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Tcoag Haemostasis Catalogue - 3

TriniCLOT Routine Reagents Factor Deficient Plasmas 3 TriniLIA D-Dimer TriniCLOT Speciality Reagents TriniCLOT Lupus Screen and Confirm 5 TriniCHROM Speciality Reagents TriniCHECK Controls TriniLIZE ELISA based Assays TriniLIZE Stabilyte tubes TriniLIZE tPA/PAl Depleted Plasma RUO TriniLIZE PAI Activity Control RUO Fibrinolysis Reference Plasma RUO Platelet Aggregation Reagents Ristocetin Cofactor Assay Platelet Agonists Destiny Max™ Destiny Plus™ Other Consumables TriniCAL Reference Plasmas TriniCAL Reference Plasma TriniCAL Fibrinogen Note: availability depending upon the country

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Tcoag Haemostasis Catalogue - 4

TriniCLOT™ Routine Reagents PT TriniCLOT PT Reagents are lyophilised thromboplastins from either rabbit or human sources which guarantee consistently accurate results. Convenient and reliable, TriniCLOT PT Reagents are the quality PT reagents of choice for your haemostasis laboratory. TriniCLOT PT HTF (HTF = Human Tissue Factor) • • • • • From cultured human cells; Only true human thromboplastin in the market. ISI 1.0-1.3 International Sensitivity Index (ISI) value (optical and mechanical) provided with each batch. Calibrated against WHO international reference thromboplastin preparation....

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Tcoag Haemostasis Catalogue - 5

Fibrinogen TriniCLOT Fibrinogen is intended for quantitative determination of fibrinogen in plasma. TriniCLOT Fibrinogen utilizes the Clauss method for fibrinogen determination. An excess of thrombin is used to convert fibrinogen to fibrin in diluted plasma such that the rate of reaction is a function of fibrinogen concentration. • TriniCLOT Fibrinogen provided in kit format and as individual components. • Used with separate TriniCHECK Control 1 (T4101) and TriniCHECK Abnormal Control (T4104). part number product name TriniCAL Fibrinogen: 2 x 1 mL TriniCLOT Fibrinogen reagent (75NIH): 3 x 6...

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Tcoag Haemostasis Catalogue - 6

TriniLIA D-Dimer Elevated levels of D-Dimer are associated with thrombotic disorders, such as Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT), Pulmonary Embolism (PE) and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) as well as other conditions, such as cancer. The presence of elevated D-Dimer levels is not sufficient for the diagnosis of a thrombotic disorder, but the absence of elevated D-Dimer levels when used with the appropriate algorithm may be used to rule out the presence of DVT and PE. TriniLIA D-Dimer TriniLIA D-Dimer is a polystyrene micro-particle agglutination assay for the quantitative...

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Tcoag Haemostasis Catalogue - 7

TriniCLOT™ Speciality Reagents TriniCLOT Protein C TriniCLOT Protein C kit is intended for the quantitative determination of plasma Protein C activity by clotting assay. In this assay, Protac is co-lyophilized with aPTT reagent to form a reagent which activates both Protein C and the contact factors of the intrinsic pathway. With this reagent the clotting time of normal plasma is very long (>100 seconds) while that of Protein C deficient plasma is essentially the same as the aPTT (about 30–40 seconds). When patient plasma is mixed with Protein C deficient plasma the prolongation of the...

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Tcoag Haemostasis Catalogue - 8

TriniCHROM™ Speciality Reagents TriniCHROM Antithrombin IIa and TriniCHROM Antithrombin Xa TriniCHROM Antithrombin IIa and TriniCHROM Antithrombin Xa are intended for the quantitative determination of AT activity in human plasma by chromogenic assay. AT is the major inhibitor of plasma thrombin and Factor Xa. It is also an important inhibitor of activated Factors IXa, XIa, and XIIa. The inhibitory activity of AT towards thrombin is greatly increased (2–3 orders of magnitude) in the presence of heparin. TriniCHROM Antithrombin IIa and TriniCHROM Antithrombin Xa utilize a thrombin based...

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Tcoag Haemostasis Catalogue - 9

TriniCHECK™ Controls TriniCHECK control plasmas are pooled citrated freeze-dried human plasmas which guarantee consistently accurate results. Convenient and reliable, TriniCHECK plasmas are the Quality controls of choice for your haemostasis laboratory. • • • • Freeze-dried human plasmas guarantee reliable and accurate results Both Assayed and Unassayed presentation Convenient pack sizes Consistent value assignments from lot to lot trinicheck controls part number product name TriniCHECK Abnormal Control TriniCHECK Lupus Positive Control D-Dimer

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TriniCAL™ Reference Plasmas TriniCAL Reference control plasmas are citrated freeze-dried human plasmas which guarantee consistently accurate results. TriniCAL INR & Quick Monitoring of coumadin or coumadin-like Oral Anticoagulant Therapy (OAT) is generally performed with the Prothrombin Time (PT) test. When used for monitoring OAT, the World Health Organization recommends normalizing and reporting the results of the PT test as an INR rather than seconds. The PT may also be reported in a normalized format as a Percent Activity. TriniCAL INR & Quick Calibrator Set may be used to: 1. Determine...

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Tcoag Haemostasis Catalogue - 11

TriniLIZE™ ELISA based Assays TriniLIZE tPA Activity TriniLIZE tPA Activity kit is a bio-functional immunosorbent assay (BIA) intended for the quantitative determination of human tissue plasminogen activator activity in plasma. The clinical utility of the assay is to detect disorders of the fibrinolytic system. part number product name Microtest strips: 12 strips PET Buffer: 1 vial tPA Activity Standard: 1 x 0.5 mL Substrate Reagent: 1 x 6 mL Plasminogen Reagent: 1 x 6 mL Citrate Buffer: 1 x 8 mL Microtest Strips: 4 weeks at 2-8°C PET Buffer: 4 weeks at 2-8°C tPA Activity Standard: 8 hours...

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Tcoag Haemostasis Catalogue - 12

TriniLIZE Stabilyte tubes TriniLIZE Stabilyte Tubes are intended for collection of blood samples for the determination of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1) and fibrinogen. part number product name TriniLIZE Stabilyte tubes Until expiry date TriniLIZE tPA/PAI Depleted Plasma RUO TriniLIZE tPA/PAI Depleted Plasma: tPA antigen and PAI-1 antigen were removed by absorption with immobilized anti-tPA immunoglobulins and anti-PAI-1 immunoglobulins. For Research Use Only. part number product name TriniLIZE tPA/PAI Depleted Plasma TriniLIZE PAI Activity...

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